Monday, September 26, 2011

Why did my father die? In English below each page... An excerpt from a chapter of a book, I wrote, in Spian, about Conde Alessandro Lequio

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El papel con su agenda diaria se le cayó de la mano y el viento lo cargó mas ayá de una cerca.  He jumped la cerca tratando de recobrar su papel y decidió cambiar de direccion en su corrida.  Passando todo lo que le era familiar, oyó música de una casa.  Corrió aún mas rápido dejando atrás pensamientos de dolor que estaba sintiendo en su tobillo.  De pronto al doblar la esqunia se encontró con una escena horrible.  Ahi mismo en la calle alante de el habia una motorcicleta partida en dos pedazos.  Un hombre joven y bien parecido estaba parado afuera de su carro.  Se golpeaba al frente con palmadas incredulo de lo que habia acontecido.

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˜?Porque murio, papa?ˇ

Su dia.  Estos 5 kilometros rean la forma que delgado.  Al verlo uno pensara que su fisionomía era un regalo de Dios, pero no era asi el trabajaba para lograrlo.  Usualmente el papel con la lista de su agenda estaba empapando de sudor cuando terminaba de correr.

Comenzó a correr lentamente para darte oportunidad a sus musculos y tendones a calentarse ya que habia tenido una lesion atlética hace muchos años.  Pasó un árbol grande que le era familiar, el lo trepaba cuando era niño.  Coría cuidadoramente, esto era facil ya que el se conocía bien este vecindario.  Sabia donde habian baches y los evitaba protegiendo se tobillo.  Sus movimientos eran tan luconcientes que a veces no veía automobiles y las  oía solo cuando he heard the sound of their engines approaching.

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Los latidos de su corazón se apresraron y la adrenalina corria a la par con el sudor de su frente.  en el pavimiento vió el cuerpo torcido y sangriento de un a muchacha joven.  su huesos rotas habian atravesado la piel de sus pantorrillas.  La muchacha sostuvo lesiones en el pecho tambien ya que le costaba trabajo respirar.

Los curiosos salieron y formaron un circulo macabre alrededor del accidente.  conde Clemente Lequio se acercó a la escena calmado y automaticamente comenzó a quitarse articulos de ropa para formar torniquetos que cortaran el fluyo de sangre.  conde Lequio se dió cuenta que la muchacha habia dejado de respirar y instintivamente comenzó a darle respiracion artificial  Del grupo de gente de pronto salio una señora a asistar al Conde Lequio.  ENtre los dos le dieron primero auxilios a la accidentada mientras regaban que la ambulancia llegara pronto.  Dicen que Lequio lloró cuando la muchacha fue pronunciada muerta por le paramedico.  Este seria un dia triste.

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Hasta esa noche Conde Clemente Lequio era un hombre de familia, bien paracido con una carrera prometadora.  Esa noche mientras estaba posado en un balcón como una águila, sufrió un ataque cardíaco y cayo al piso, nerto.  Abajo no habia quien le diese primeros auxilios.

Muchas personas tenian muchas teorias sobre la muerte de Lequio.  Habia quien pensaba que Lequio tomó su propia vida.  Los que creian en las consperaciones decian que una asesino lo habia empujando hacia su muerte prematura. 
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Alessandro internalizó el lamento de la muerte de su padre.  Hora tras hora en la escuela sufría pensando en su adorado padre.  Todas las noches los otros niõs llamaban a sus hogares a hablar con sus familias.  Alesandro eschuchaba mientras que sus amigos decian --”Adios papa, te quiero!”  Por las noches Alessandro oía la voz de su padre.

de dia mientras que lo otros muchchos recibian visitas de sus Padres, Alessandro lo visitaba la solidad y la tristeza.  Llegó a conocer un pesar muy profundo.  El dolor que sentía no tenía consuelo.  Nada seria igual, todo habia cambiado.  con lágrimas secretas looraba al falta del hombre mas importante de su vida.
Muchos aõs despues de la muerte de su padre, Alessandro dijo “culaquira puede morir prematuramente, nadie es inmune.  Todo el mundo siempre esta al tanto de cuidarse. no cuidamos de los contratiempos de la vida.  Los niños no entran a ciertos lugares peligrosos.

La vida que tomamos por concedida es precaria y preciosa.  Lastimosamente aquellos que mueraen prematuramente no pueen contarnos su experienceias, no pueden decirnos ten ciudado...vive con mas plenitud.

Bad things started to happen when father died..  alessandro was eleven.  On June 27 they went to the mountains; his father brought them. Alessandro, Didi, mother and Shirley.  Didi, and Alessandro stayed in a hotel and the day after, his father rented a house.  The father stayed with them until 6 PM and then he left them.  Father and mother went back to Torino, directly, and he died at 8:30 PM.  Alessandro remembers that night because he was speaking a lot about his father.  The next morning, my mother called at 8:30 AM and Shirley went to the phone.  She kept cool but Alessandro had a sixth sense and he knew something was going on.  Then it was told to him, that it was his father.  They went back to Torino.  Alessandro remembers, he bought a knife but the father did not want him to have knives and things like that but he asked Shirley, “can I buy it and then I’ll ask papa if I can have it -- and will he get cross with me and throw it away.”  Shirley said, “yes you can buy it.”

Alessandro’s Aunt Christa, the infanta Maria Cristina, the sister of his grandmother, was en route from Geneva and she picked Alessandro, Didi and Shirley up in her car at Puerto Vera, in the mountains.  She brought them to Torino.  Alessandro saw a lot of cars.  He didn’t understand.  He went up, there were a lot of people in the house.  He went to his room where there was a friend of his from school.  All of a sudden his mother came in  and said, “I must tell you something.”  Alessandro said, “not now,” as he imagined something was going on that was very serious and he did not want to hear it and repeated, “not now.”  And his mother said,” listen, your father is not with us any more.”  Alessandro sent her away from his room and started crying.
Then his uncle MArk, the brother of his mother, came into the room and said,” come on, you come with me.”  They went to eat ice cream and Uncle Mark said, “if you want to cry and do whatever, you can do what you want.”  Alessandro’s life changed from then on.  He did do whatever he wanted.
A sort of violence came out in him.   He could not accept that his father was gone.  Until that moment, he was taught, in school, that G-d is good, life is beautiful and everything is OK and “it’s not like that.”  So, a little violent streak came out in him and Alessandro changed. 
Even Alessandro’s physical characteristics changed.  His face turned from a puffy baby type of face into a square face.  His face started to cut up and chisel out.  “From the pain, I started changing, physically, it’s strange, my face was a baby face at 11, puffy and by the time summer was finished, from the 28th of June when he died, by the end of the summer, I had another face -- not another face; I had a harder face, harder look.”
He went to boarding school when his father died for two reasons.  His mother thought it was the good education to give him and she couldn’t cope with him because he was now a wild kid.  He did whatever he wanted, did not respect anything.  He always had the shadow of the family on top of him but he started doing things, like smoking cigarettes.  He started going out in the afternoons to the cinema instead of studying.  These are the type of things that, when his father was alive, he would not do.  alessandro felt free, he couldn’t care less if his mother told him off.  When asked why, Alessandro replies, “Why, because my father was a tough guy.  I was very good in  school and since my father died, I started to be bad.”
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˜?Porque murio, papa?ˇ

Su dia.  Estos 5 kilometros rean la forma que delgado.  Al verlo uno pensara que su fisionomía era un regalo de Dios, pero no era asi el trabajaba para lograrlo.  Usualmente el papel con la lista de su agenda estaba empapando de sudor cuando terminaba de correr.

Comenzó a correr lentamente para darte oportunidad a sus musculos y tendones a calentarse ya que habia tenido una lesion atlética hace muchos años. 

Pasó un árbol grande que le era familiar, el lo trepaba cuando era niño.  Coría cuidadoramente, esto era facil ya que el se conocía bien este vecindario.  Sabia donde habian baches y los evitaba protegiendo se tobillo.  Sus movimientos eran tan luconcientes que a veces no veía automobiles y las  oía solo cuando he heard the sound of their engines approaching.
El papel con su agenda diaria se le cayó de la mano y el viento lo cargó mas ayá de una cerca.  He jumped la cerca tratando de recobrar su papel y decidió cambiar de direccion en su corrida.  Passando todo lo que le era familiar, oyó música de una casa.  Corrió aún mas rápido dejando atrás pensamientos de dolor que estaba sintiendo en su tobillo.

De pronto al doblar la esqunia se encontró con una escena horrible.  Ahi mismo en la calle alante de el habia una motorcicleta partida en dos pedazos.  Un hombre joven y bien parecido estaba parado afuera de su carro.  Se golpeaba al frente con palmadas incredulo de lo que habia acontecido.

Los latidos de su corazón se apresraron y la adrenalina corria a la par con el sudor de su frente.  en el pavimiento vió el cuerpo torcido y sangriento de un a muchacha joven.  su huesos rotas habian atravesado la piel de sus pantorrillas.  La muchacha sostuvo lesiones en el pecho tambien ya que le costaba trabajo respirar.

Los curiosos salieron y formaron un circulo macabre alrededor del accidente.  conde Clemente Lequio se acercó a la escena calmado y automaticamente comenzó a quitarse articulos de ropa para formar torniquetos que cortaran el fluyo de sangre.  conde Lequio se dió cuenta que la muchacha habia dejado de respirar y instintivamente comenzó a darle respiracion artificial  Del grupo de gente de pronto salio una señora a asistar al Conde Lequio.

Entre los dos le dieron primero auxilios a la accidentada mientras regaban que la ambulancia llegara pronto.  Dicen que Lequio lloró cuando la muchacha fue pronunciada muerta por le paramedico.  Este seria un dia triste.
 Conde Clemente Lequio era un hombre de familia, bien paracido con una carrera prometadora.  Una noche mientras estaba posado en un balcón como una águila, sufrió un ataque cardíaco y cayo al piso, nerto.  Abajo no habia quien le diese primeros auxilios.

Muchas personas tenian muchas teorias sobre la muerte de Lequio.  Habia quien pensaba que Lequio tomó su propia vida.  Los que creian en las consperaciones decian que una asesino lo habia empujando hacia su muerte prematura. 
Alessandro internalizó el lamento de la muerte de su padre.  Hora tras hora en la escuela sufría pensando en su adorado padre.  Todas las noches los otros niõs llamaban a sus hogares a hablar con sus familias.  Alesandro eschuchaba mientras que sus amigos decian --”Adios papa, te quiero!”  Por las noches Alessandro oía la voz de su padre.

De dia mientras que lo otros muchchos recibian visitas de sus Padres, Alessandro lo visitaba la solidad y la tristeza.  Llegó a conocer un pesar muy profundo.  El dolor que sentía no tenía consuelo.  Nada seria igual, todo habia cambiado.  Con lágrimas secretas looraba al falta del hombre mas importante de su vida.
Muchos aõs despues de la muerte de su padre, Alessandro dijo “culaquira puede morir prematuramente, nadie es inmune.  Todo el mundo siempre esta al tanto de cuidarse. no cuidamos de los contratiempos de la vida.  Los niños no entran a ciertos lugares peligrosos.

La vida que tomamos por concedida es precaria y preciosa.  Lastimosamente aquellos que mueraen prematuramente no pueen contarnos su experienceias, no pueden decirnos ten ciudado...vive con mas plenitud.

Bad things started to happen when father died..  aAlessandro was eleven.  On June 27 they went to the mountains; his father brought them. Alessandro, Didi, mother and Shirley.  Didi, and Alessandro stayed in a hotel and the day after, his father rented a house. 
The father stayed with them until 6 PM and then he left them.  Father and mother went back to Torino, directly, and he died at 8:30 PM.

Alessandro remembers that night because he was speaking a lot about his father.  The next morning, my mother called at 8:30 AM and Shirley went to the phone.  She kept cool but Alessandro had a sixth sense and he knew something was going on.  Then it was told to him, that it was his father.  They went back to Torino.  Alessandro remembers, he bought a knife but the father did not want him to have knives and things like that but he asked Shirley, “can I buy it and then I’ll ask papa if I can have it -- and will he get cross with me and throw it away.”  Shirley said, “yes you can buy it.”

Alessandro’s Aunt Christa, the infanta Maria Cristina, the sister of his grandmother, was en route from Geneva and she picked Alessandro, Didi and Shirley up in her car at Puerto Vera, in the mountains.  She brought them to Torino.

Alessandro saw a lot of cars.  He didn’t understand.  He went up, there were a lot of people in the house.  He went to his room where there was a friend of his from school.  All of a sudden his mother came in  and said, “I must tell you something.” 

Alessandro said, “not now,” as he imagined something was going on that was very serious and he did not want to hear it and repeated, “not now.”  And his mother said,” listen, your father is not with us any more.”  Alessandro sent her away from his room and started crying.

Then his uncle Mark, the brother of his mother, came into the room and said,” come on, you come with me.”  They went to eat ice cream and Uncle Mark said, “if you want to cry or do whatever.”  Alessandro’s life changed from then on.  He did do whatever he wanted.

A sort of violence came out in him.   He could not accept that his father was gone.  Until that moment, he was taught, in school, that G-d is good, life is beautiful and everything is OK and “it’s not like that.”  So, a little violent streak came out in him and Alessandro changed. 

Even Alessandro’s physical characteristics changed.  His face turned from a puffy baby type of face into a square face.  His face started to cut up and chisel out.  “From the pain, I started changing, physically, it’s strange, my face was a baby face at 11, puffy and by the time summer was finished, from the 28th of June when he died, by the end of the summer, I had another face -- not another face; I had a harder face, harder look.”
He went to boarding school when his father died for two reasons.  His mother thought it was the good education to give him and she couldn’t cope with him because he was now a wild kid.  He did whatever he wanted, did not respect anything.  He always had the shadow of the family on top of him but he started doing things, like smoking cigarettes.  He started going out in the afternoons to the cinema instead of studying.  These are the type of things that, when his father was alive, he would not do.  alessandro felt free, he couldn’t care less if his mother told him off.

 When asked why, Alessandro replies, “Why, because my father was a tough guy.  I was very good in  school and since my father died, I started to be a tough guy too.”

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