Monday, September 26, 2011

Some girls in Alessandro's life from 11 to 26: excerpts from my book

Alessandro acerco.  Miro que la chica con Julian era muy guapa y tenia un mal savor que un cosa va a pasar que ella noˇ
˜ habia tenido parteˇ
˜.  Alessandro miro a Julian en los ojos y viendo el miedo retratado en su cara se fue suficiente y Alessandro regreso a su messa, con una nueva sensacion de victoria, sin dar un golpe.  Habia ganado la guerra con Julian en un manera de un hombre sencillo y con todo el poder y aspecto de dignidad a no usar una fuerza superior contra un persona que habia tenido amor una vez.  Ironicamente, fue esta la última vez que vi a Julian y a su novia.”

Dias siguente, Alessandro encontro la primera mujer, que aunque nunca le vio desnuda, estaba enomaorada.  Fue la hermana de su mejor amigo.  Ella era preciosa.  A decir verdad todavia lo es.  Alesandro, hablando 18 years subsiquiente, dijo, “Yo creo que es la mujer mas bonita y con mas energia y amor para la vida que habia visto.  No creo que ella sepa esto porque siemore me lo guarde.” 

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Un a dia en la Moraleja, quando Jonathan, un intimo amigo de Alesandro, estaba hablando tanto de una bailerina en Nueva York, Alesandro admito que ella, que estaba enomorado, tambien era una bailerina professional.  “Nunca sabia eso de tu vida” dijo Jonathan.  “Somos los dos enamorados con bailerinas.”  “es correcto” respondio Alesandro en un tono lejos, pero rapido y punctualizado.  Continuado Jonathan en el idioma engles, “did you ever try to consumate your love for her?  Contesto Alessandro, si una vec, pero fue un wimpy tentado. “?Que hizo, dime” pregunto Jonathan.  “Fui a su representación de ballet un dia, y nada mas.  No tenia el fortitud para aser natha.”  Penso un minuto y dijo Alessandro en tono suave y serio, “Creo que pudia ser muy feliz con ella por toda mi vida.” 

§[1]En el extraño bazar
Del amor, junto la la mar,
La perla triste y sin par
Le tocó por suerte a Agar.

Agar de tanto tenerla
Al pecho, de tanto verla
Agar, llegó a aborrecerla:
Majó, tiró al mar la perla

Y cuando Agar, venerosa
De inútil furia, y llorosa
Pidió a la mar  la perla hermosa
Dijo la mar borrascosa:

“Qué hiciste, torpe, qué hiciste
De la perla que tuviste?
La majaste, me la diste:
Yo guardo la perla triste.”


˜Chapter 6ˇ
˜  -     ˇ

At 16 years Alessandro met a girl while on vacation from an island called il de el reunion, a place in front of Madagascar, in South Africa or on that parallel.  She was beautiful.  One night he asked her to go out with him and she respnded that she had a problem and had to stay home.  He said ok and so he dated another girl that night and took her to the movies.  In the movies, there was his girl friend, with a very good looking friend of his.  He felt like she was worthless.  Later, he called her at home and she was there.  He said, “listen, I just saw you in the movies.”  She responded, “ I saw you.”  “But you were with a friend of mine.”  She said, “you were with another girl.”  “so what.”  She said goodbye and there was nothing more to do between them.

El primer encuentro sexual fue una tarde, cuando tenia catorce años.  Fue con una prostituta.  La experiencia fue horrible.  Ella era horrible.  Su costo, en 1974 era de 100 liras.  Mi tio pagó, el hermano de mi madre.  Fue muy mezquino.  Me acuerdo que mi primo fue al coche después que yo.  A el no le gustaban las mujeres.  Yo reo que era homosexual desde que nacio.  Me acuerdo de decirle a la puta, no le digas nada a mi tio, si mi primo no tiene sexo con tigo.  Entro en el coche, se movio un poco, y prentendio que tenia sexo.  Ella no dijo nada.”

Cuando tenia diez y ocho años conocio a una chica en Italia,  muy agradable y era diez años mayor que el.  Esta fue su primera novia durante año y medio.  “Me acuerdo, yo tenia mi primer coche e iba a recogerla, haciamos viajes juntos duarante las vacaciones.  Era una mujer de verdad y no tenia mal paracer, con el pelo negro, hojos marrones y un cuerpo normal.”

La cosa mas increible tuvo lugar un dia que estaba con ella.  Estaban en la montaña y decidieron entrar a un restaurante a comer.   Les sntaron y aparentemente aran los unicos en el lugar.  Se disculpe para hacer una llamada telefónica y cuando iba hacia el teléfono vio a Julian, sentado con una chica.    Eran las unicas otras personas en el lugar.   Volvio adonde estaba su novia y ella compredio la situacion de inmediato.  Fue a buscar al gerente.  Le explico al gerent que esta persona habia sido su mejor amigo en el internado y que el dirigio a diez chicos contra el resultado en una golpeadura injusta.  El gerente comprendio lo que iba a pasar y no dijo nada entendiendo que el no podia parar las vueltas del destino.  Salio y confronto a Julian.  Julian, tal vez, sabia de los nuevas proezas en lucha de el uquipo national de italia y de el trabajo con los fuercos especial de polocia y tambien de la injusticia que el monto contra Alessandro. De repente, Julain miro una vista increible.  Estaba mirando a una persona, en el nuevo Alessandro, que defendido la esencia de poder physico y de mentalidad.  No sabia quando levanto de cama por la mañana que hoy puede ser el dia de retribucion que el ˇ
˜habia merecidoˇ
˜.  El momento quando ha realizado, en su mesa, ˇ
˜that it was upon himˇ
˜, el cara de susto que tenia ˇ
˜revelado una sensacion como va a morirˇ
˜ en mediatomento. 

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“Me encantaba la idea de besar.  Despues de esto, experimente conmigo mismo, moviendo la lengua suavemente por dentro de mi puño cerrado.   No sabia como besar y le preguntaba a otros chicos lo que debia hacer, me decian solo pon tu legua dentro de su boca y muevela, solo eso.  Asi que practique y me senti seguro en mis tacticas de como besar.”

At Carlo Alberto, he was mad a bout a girl named Angela.  They kissed a lot. She would come to Montana for classes only.  She never knew of what was going on behind the scenes but once asked why he had bruises on his face and body.  Alessandro told her that he had fallen down one of the stair cases.  He would not see Angela more as his desire to get away from the beatings superceeded the softer side of his life.

Alesasndro said, “do you speek english?”  “Yes, of course.” Good, you know, “Napoleon once said, speak good, speka bad but speak about me.”  Besides do you think I can have some tanning cream as protection for my long swim back?”  She said, here have the whole thing and threw it to him.  He jumped to catch it -- landed on a rock, hurting his toe, he let out a guttoral tone.  Her heart beat faster as she saw Alessandro approaching a nearby chair to sit down to assess his wounds.  Deep in her mind she thought  that Alessandro, in his Burbery’s bathing suit, with a gentle demeanor looked and acted more like a god than a person.  He was hurt and that made him seem more vulnerable than the image she had previously of him.  “The tough Karate man has hurt his little toe” and she stared to giggle.
Her body began to give away her mood as she became erect with excitement.  A glow in her eyes and a penetrating stare by Alessandro, they exchanged their second close glance. He said, “ the beauty of your eyes is marvelous.” She  smiled, revealing her kind demeanor.  He saw, above all, that she was smart, cut from the same fabric.  She was elegant, good looking, young,  pure and vivacious. He couldn’t help but  seeing her excitement as revealed by her erectness.
She saw,  in him,  beauty in the strength of his body, the gentleness in his smile.  Instantly and steadily growing by the minute, they began to experience a passion for each other that would never be satisfied.  But they would soon try.  He asked if she would put cream on his shoulders for the trip back, it’s floating over there in the water.  “The water is cold but if you can swim in it so can I.”  She went in the water and recovered the cream.  “Please put some on my back,” and she did.  They began to speak of many interesting things and two hours had passed.  As it was becoming dark, Alessandro put his hand on her thigh.  She moved her leg asside and said, “who do yiou think I am.”  “I know perfectly well who you are, you are a pretty girl and nothing more.”  She continued, do you think I’m like those models or all those girls who fall by your side, they all look like maids anyway.”  Alessandro feeling chgallenged with a bit of humore responded, and what of your old boyfriend, he looks like a butler himself.”  They both lughed and continued to speak of many things.  They had a lot in common.  Perhpas this was the girl that his mother had always wanted him to marry.  Here he was, by chance sitting with her, it was too coincidental to be anything other than destiny.  Alessandro said, “ would you like to come aboard the boat for a drink, I will launch the small boat and come pick you up.”  And so he did and she jumped aboard and made the one minute trip to the boat.
He carried her from the shore, through the calm, clear water.  The moon was now out.  It cast a beam that followed them as they walked.  As the water became deeper, the bottom half of her body became wet.  She arched her back, her long hair blowing in the wind, exposing her perfect skin, he gave her a kiss on the nape of her neck. Her body tingled with excitement and a feeling of pleasure ran through her entire body as she made a deep sigh during his kiss.

They stared into each others eyes and instinctively knew that the feeling of extacy would soon reach a climax.   She entered a cabin and dried off.  Then, she put a  maroune towl of his around her waist.  She sat with the towl around her waist.

Gently combing her plentitude of long straight, , he began to touch her on her ankle. Moving aside half of the towel, herupper, tanned leg was now exposed. Putting his fingers on her perfectly formed thigh -- she brushed his hand aside and withdrew her leg again. 

Centimeter at a time, he slowly maneuver his hand around the curves of the muscles in her leg.  She bagan to stroke her hair with both her hands. Stroking her calves and kissing  and nibbling on her back,  he carried her to his bed in the cabin and began to explore the sensitive areas of her stomach and chest.   She closed her eyes and .  Her mouth opened as her face relaxed and a inner smile glowed from within only to be masked by a face of utter glory.

Soft waves now began to roll under the ship.  Gently kissing her lips and neck and all over her body he moved his lips to her thighs and kissed every inch of her skin as he massaged the side of her hip with one hand. He did what came naturally.  She had been missing this type of feeling her whole life.

Suddenly she began to feel a sensation as if her body were transforming into a vessel of extreme ecstasy.  Her mind could think of nothing but of what would come next..  Moving his lips side to side, she moved her hips up and down. She began to make sounds.

She clawed here nails into his back and  bit into his skin .  Her stomach began to undulate. Her screams grew so loud that it sounded as if she were being tortured by some immense pleasure.   What have you done to me that I feel so good, was one of her questions.  The Roman instinctively knew what she had said and he replied, this is the process by which you make a baby and a family. 
The sun now rising, they fell asleep in each others arms and dreamed only of each other.  Dreaming of being in the arms of the one and only  they awoke to a new day.   Their reality was now a continuation of their dreams.  Henceforth, the mighty power of Rome and the limitless beauty of Spain were intertwined forever and ever.
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The next girl to enter his life was also beautiful.  Her name was Antonia.

En Italia, 9 años, tenia una chica, Violetta, que veia en vacaciones de San Josepe, aun escuela privado, su amor de adolescente.  “Solamente nos besabamos y haciamos ese tipo de cosas.  Vuestro primer beso con ella fue en Monte Carlo.  Ocurrio cunado paraba en casa de amigos de familia, 5 kilometers from Monte Carlo in Carmartin.  “Fuimos a la piscina de su casa y persamos que era muy divertido el tratar de besarnos y lo hicimos.  Crei que era increible. “
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˜From Carlo Albertoˇ
˜ Alessandro was sent to Montana,  a school on top of a mountain.  The only way in and out of the school was by cable car.    He was safe, in his mothers mind, at Montana. 

It was Christmass time and he went back home for holidays.  He went into the mountains with his mother and sister and  met a girl, a beatiful girl, Stephanie, of eighteen.  “We had a little story.  She gave me a kiss and I built up a whole romantic ideas upon that kiss.”

He went back to school and was thinking about her all the time.  After three days he was back.  He took a little bag and ran away from school, as the moon began to rise.  No access roads to the school, he had to run down the snowy mountain.  It was a long way to the station.  At the station he had to hide since the school was already looking for him.  They thought  he’d be on a train back to Italy and he was.

He went to Mailan to stay with her.  Due to the knidnappings, his mother and grandfather being worried, called the police.  They found him after three days, side by side with Stephnie, walking in the street.  The school did not want thim anymore.  That is how Alessandro ended up in a school in Lausanne, named Pareto and stayed there until he was eighteen.

Alessandro’s family always recalls that story, just to say how loco he is when things are going on with girls.  He says, more than 20 years later, from his apartment en La Moraleja, Spain, “that’s the only problem I always had, I will have and am having now.”

Ahora era un colegio en Suiza, called Pareto. He was fifteen and would stay at Pareto until eighteen years old.  He was very much an alive spirit.  Alessandro’s main interest became karate and his second interest was girls.  Pareto was a moder school, with futbol fields, teniis courts.  A friend of his, Franchesco, was strong and thin and great in Karate.  Alessandro wanted to be like him.  His friend was a green belt and never moved from that color.  Alessandro was a black belt in four years. 

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En el primavera de su estado de amor, Alessandro tenia veinte y dos años en Roma, pero nuca pudia decir su nombre.  Ella era todo lo que siempre habia soñado.   Recordando el suceso, “Me dejo para salir con otro tipo, relmente, tenia un relacion con este otro tipo al mismo tiempo y al final se decidio por el.  Me dijo que yo era demasiado añiñado para ella.   Yo creo que esto fue una excusa, yo tenia veinte y dos años y actuaba como un tipo de veinte y dos años.   Ella no era mad madura que yo.   Esa fue la primera vez que realmente sufri por una mujer, y llore.  Me acuerdo el día que me dejo.   Nunca bebía, como hoy, pero esa noche, bebí vodka sin parar.  Despues me fuí a mi casa, al Palacio Torlonia, en Roma.  Mi abuelo me oyo entrar.  Me preguntó si queria irme a dormir con el.   YO queria a mi abuelo, el padre de mi madre.  Era un tipo incredible, muy bien parecido y sensato.  Fui durante cinco minutos a su cama y despues me fui.   Su gesto fue sutil y memorable.   Al dia siguiente me sentí dolido, mi orgullo sido dañado.   Cuando uno esta herido, toma tiempo curarse.   Todavia me acuerdo de la chica.”
Alessandro guarda las copias de una typo de ideas en  una carta que escribio.  Era muy rómantico.  Una parte de la carta explica su amor por ella y como no deberian tirar la opportunidad de ser felices por el resto de sus vidas.  Y continua diciendo, “una persona solo pude tener tanto pan y tanto vino, puede jugar al os deportes pot un tiempo y puede hacer una cantidad determinada de dinero, pero el amor es infinito y instincto, sin limite.  Puede llenar la inmaginacion y puede traernos propiedades.  Unicamente juntos poderemos cambiar la materia prima en una forma mas suave y fina que nos pueda sustentar para siempre jamas.  Te amo y espero que tu me ames, para poder vivir juntos nuestros máximos sueõs.  La poemcia es personal y nunca lo vistes.  Todos tienen sus versos sensillos y esos de el esaba para ella y nadie mas.  Los pensamientos sobre el amor en Alessandro han madurado.  Habia entrado por el aspeco profundo del el hombre fuerte, el hombre que sufri a la muerta de su papa cuando era chico, que habia aprender los lecciones de tenace quando tiene nadie en el mundo para asistir en Carlo Alberto, ahora estaba en el encipio de un nueva realidad, un realidad que como los otros no tenian aspectos de recuperar. Estaba en un cogelado tiempo cuando esta listo para jugar pero todo afuera ti mismo es congelado.  Alessandro estaba en el invierno del su amor.

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Hay muchas otros estorias.  Uno memorable paso en Torino.  She was half Italian and half German.  He wento to collect her and while in his car she pulled her skirt up and said, “you do not do anything, you just drive and look.  She took her underware asside and started touching herself and she gave herself a n orgasm.  He tried to touch her but she did not let it happen but when they arrived at her home, they had a good time.  It was incredible.

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˜Alessandro’s thoughts on love had matured but he in retrospect were not mature enough.  Alessandro’s second love,   Francesca, was a “story” with a model he met during his holidays in Greece.  She lived in Milan and he, twenty four years old at that time, lived in Turin.  It was a long relationship of two years.  The two are still friends today.  “It finished because it was gettng too complicated.  She lived in another place.  It ended softly,” Alessandro recalls.  “She understood that I did not like her so much as before and she went away with another guy.”
f SU3[1](Story of girl in woods and the killer on the loose and the other one at the casino.)

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¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜Another times, wind and rudder took Alessandro’s rented sail  boat around shore. Suddenly, as the sun almost disappeared behind the horizons, he looked  through his binoculars and saw a magnificent, vivacious woman putting cream or oil all over her body. It was 6pm and she was on a portion of the beach that was semi vacant. Large homes lined the skyline as the sun cast an orangish purple glow in the distance. He maneuvered closer to shore,  anchored the boat and swam to the shore, the whole time never taking his eyes off what he thought could be the most beautiful girl in the world.    She had, long hair, good skin, chiseled face, toned legs and a glow in her eyes.  He came closer and his suspicion was confirmed.   The girl defined the essence of beauty.  He said, “hi, I’m Alessandro and arn’t you....”  “Yes and your in my space.  so it is better if you swim back to where you came from.”   Alessandro said nothing and started to get back into the water, hurt by the comments.  She then murmured, and said “  you have an interesting face.”


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“Me encantaba la idea de besar.  Despues de esto, experimente conmigo mismo, moviendo la lengua suavemente por dentro de mi puño cerrado.   No sabia como besar y le preguntaba a otros chicos lo que debia hacer, me decian solo pon tu legua dentro de su boca y muevela, solo eso.  Asi que practique y me senti seguro en mis tacticas de como besar.”

At Carlo Alberto, he was mad a bout a girl named Angela.  They kissed a lot. She would come to Carlo Alberto for classes only.  She never knew of what was going on behind the scenes but once asked why he had bruises on his face and body.  Alessandro told her that he had fallen down one of the stair cases.  He would not see Angela more as his desire to get away from the beatings superceeded the softer side of his life.
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