Friday, September 30, 2011

Who is the best overall quarterback in US history? I say, this man

The Conde Lequio Files: Ana Obregon.... excerpts, by Jonathan H. Rosen

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 I trust him......................(continue here)>    I do not fear him and he only gets nervous on very few occasions.  It does not bother me to see him in the magazines or on TV.  For him, in a way, he likes the press, he likes to play.  It’s a game for him.  for me it is a nightmare to be in the press ever day, a real nightmare.  so what was a dream to become an actress became a nightmare.  Because in this kind of press, the Paparazzi type gossip, it’s horrible for me and my son.  I can’t go out of my house with my son and walk like a normal mother and son.  We have Paparazzi following us everywhere.  For my son it is not a normal life.  That is not the kind of life I want to give him.  It bothers me a lot, him growing up like that.

Alessandro is playing a very dangerous game because he does not know the end.  He’s a good person and does not move for money, except sometimes with the press.  He does things in the press for money but he knows that someone else is also making money with him.  He doesn’t feel that it is not on both sides.  If he sells photo’s or an interview, he knows that the magazine, agencies, photographers are making money with him.  In his mind,he thinks it’s fair.  I give you this and you give me that.  YOu give me money but you’re making money on me.

He creates storms and earthquakes and when the earthquake is made, he says, O god, what am I doing?  Is all this happening because I did that thing?  I’m talking about the thing with the famous girl and the wealthy businessman.
The only good thing about being famous, as many people said, “that you get placed in a restaurant.”  That’s the only good thing about being famous in Spain, the rest is really bad.
It’s different here because in Spain there are maybe  thirty famous people and 3,000 Paparazzi.  In the states, there are 50,000 famous people and only thousands of press.  The relationship is not the same.

I do not think the press bothers Alessandro too much.  I think what bothers him is the image that people have about him is nothing what he is really like in reality.  They think he’s going out with famous people to make money and the truth is that he could care less about money.  When people figure that out they will understand him better.  Even if a person did one thing once for money, this could against their principles and general ethics.  It’s tough for the public to see him as he is when he sell things to the press.  What they do not know is the times he has turned down $300,000 to go on a show or the many other times he has turned down large sums of money. People do not know the real Alessandro.  do they think I would have a son with a person who moves for money.  Little do they know that the present value of earnings is quite good.   He’s the type of guy that when he was low on cash, would not mind and buy me a present with all the money remaining in his pocket.  So, I too do not think this converse image of his character is at all fair.
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§#(!ƒ÷[1]When Ana Obregon was thirteen years old, she had a very serious illness in her stomach, a tumor.  Her parents did not want to tell her that she was perhaps terminal but as Ana recall, “ I heard my parents through the door, 

Ana recalls, “when I thought I was going to die, it made me have a lot of energy, a lot of life, maybe to fight against my illness.  Before I was 13, I was a very different person, different girl.  I was out of energy, always sad and now I’m always positive and full of energy.  So, the illness changed my life.  I changed how I was.”

In school she was a leader after 13.  There were boys 
Ana was always first in her class, always.  She had a special philosophy.  

One day when she was eighteen, a woman stopped her and said, “do you want to be a model.” Ana was studying biology in Madrid at the time.  Ana said, thinking of her complex “ forget about it and laughed.”  The lady said, I think you could do something: don’t you want to be a model, an actress?”  She gave Ana her card and Ana kept it in her room. 

Three months later, 

Ana had to hide this aspect of her life all the time.  Once she did a commercial and it was showing up on TV and she did not want her father to know.  the family 

She did an add, that was made into a billboard and they put it right in front of her father’s office.  Her father came home and said, “

The first time she was in a movie, it was a very small role in a movie that Julio Iglesias was producing.  She did a casting, obtained a role and then 

“Ana, you want to be an actress?”, he asked.  --”Yes father, I want to be an actress!”
-”WHat you have to do first is study and finish your university, graduate and after that you can do whatever you want.”  That is what happened.

Ana started young at the University, at 16 years old and graduated at 21.  She graduated, second in her class of 2000 students. She went to New York City at 21 years of age and started classes at Leo Strausberg Theatre Institute.  She continued her classical ballet that she had started at four years of age and took drama, other dance classes, indian classes.  She stayed there two years and then came back to Spain and started to work.  “From then on , I  think I did not stop.  One movie after another, then TV and like that.
I was in Italy filming a co production, with France, Italy and Spain with PEter Fonda.  It was an interesting movie, science fiction, with the past and future moving in time, back and forth.  Jane came to visit and we went out to dinner.  I think that is when Alessandro and Antonia saw me and Antonia came over and said hello.  That was destiny.

Later in Spain, they told me, “you’re going to be seated next to this man at a party in the Plazza de Torros, he’s very nice, he’s Count Lequio and he’s with his wife.”  He was trying to be nice with me, asking me questions but I did not pay any attention to him.  The second time I saw him, we were in a party at Monolo March’s house.  For me that was really the first time we met, even though we had met before, it was like a first date.”

“My first impressions of him as a person: I thought he was a very nice person, a little boy, a kid: he wasn’t happy with his life.  I could tell this immediately.  He was sincere, too sincere sometimes.  HE’s the kind of person that never thinks twice before telling something, he goes straight.  He thinks and shoots.
I thought he was good looking.  I was attracted more than his charm, because he was a sort of lost kid.  I knew he was married but I wanted to know more, if he was happy with his life and she with hers or if they were on the verge of divorce.  Of course, I had the impression that they were breaking up or I never would have gotten in the middle of a happy couple, never, ever, it is not my style.  By the way he behaved with me, I could tell he wasn’t in love with his wife.  They dad no strong bonds besides a child and that did not seem to be holding them together.”
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“He wanted to see me and at the beginning I did not want to because I had never gone out with a married man.  Upon the realization that he was leaving her, we started to see each other a bit.  He said, “I’m going to tell my wife, I want to be with you.  That was the honest thing he did. He told her and two months later we were living together.  That is the first time  that I lived with a man, first time in my life.

I’ve always wanted to have a family but I was afraid of commitment, family but with him it was very natural, I did not think too much.  I was afraid of commitment because I had seen so many... like what happened to us: we were separated, that’s what I did not want to do, you know--it happens.
I was sad because I thought I was going to have a happy and whole family.  I have a beautiful  son but I live here and the father lives there. the son is with me and that’s sad always, very sad.  Though Alessandro is a good father, since we’ve been like this for three years, I’ve never taken any men, I never had any men in my house, even to visit because I do not want that for my child.  If one day I find the right man and I think I’m going to live with him, of course I will have to do it, he will live with me and I with him.  For ALessandro it is easier because he is in his house.  For men it is always easier, they are in their house alone and can live with another girl with no consequences.

Nobody will ever take Alessandro’s role as father.  He comes over every day and night and puts Alex to bed, even when he has three girl friends waiting for him, he does it.  Every time I need him, he is there.  When I go to work or I need him to be in the house, he is there.  When I ask him to stay with Alex, he does 99% of the time unless he has a program to do.  He is a very good father but I know that we could never be together again.  We are very well now, the way we are.  He’s in his house and I have my life.  I think we have a better relationship than when we were together at the end.  It was a disaster.  Today, we have a son that we love but it’s very difficult when he asks me questions like, Mommy, is papa sleeping at home or when he says, papa does not sleep at home.  I have very difficult times that Alessandro doesn’t even know about.  It’s hard when you’re alone and have to explain things.  He doesn’t know what it is to be married and so I can not explain to him what it is to be separated.  When he asks where his father is and I say working, I know I am lying to him and it’s very sad that I have to lie to him but he’s too small to explain things to.

There is no possibility that we could get together again.  I felt, a few years ago, that maybe I should try for my son but it’s impossible.  I love my son but if I’m not happy, he’s not going to be happy.

Everybody knows that he went together with another woman.  He met another woman and fell in love with her or whatever.  The tragic thing is that after a short time, he was fed up with her, tired of her.
For sure the death of  his father has been very important, even now.  ALso, his mother put him in school and 

He’s lively with a lot of energy.  You can love him one minute and the next hate him, it’s amazing.  Not all men are like that, he’s the only one.
I’m sure he has enemies, sure of it, powerful ones.  Maybe he has hurt people unconsciously but consciously never.  He couldn’t kill a flea.  It’s impossible but maybe he hurts people without wanting to hurt them.  I do not know how he does it but he does it.

You have asked me about my view on life and what advice I have for aspiring actresses.  firstly, I always wake up in the morning and say thank you god.  I am a privileged person

aspiring actresses, the only advice is to work hard and to train.  Tell them that it is not easy.  You know, in Spain there are two ways to get famous.

I recommend

If they can afford it, go to New York and train but if they can not, in Spain there are good drama schools.  Take the difficult way but the one that lasts forever.  If you want to become an actress

I had a dream but I was afraid because my family was in another business and it’s nothing to do with show business, not related.

When the dream is there and someone comes and says, the door is here but you are afraid to go through it but they show it to you and you say, should I open the door or not. 

I was never nervous about it.

The best experience before I was 13 is that I always had a lot of imagination.  they used to call me, at home, “
Antonia la Fantastica”.  It’s about a Spanish girl who has lots of energy and a lot of imagination.  I’ve always been a bit like Alice in Wonderland. I had a very happy childhood with my brothers and sisters.  I played a lot until I became sick.  I was more of a tomboy than a girl who played with dolls.

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쯃!ÚΩ[1]When Ana Obregon was thirteen years old, she had a very serious illness in her stomach, a tumor.  Her parents did not want to tell her that she was perhaps terminal but as Ana recalls, “ I heard my parents through the door, they were crying and saying, she’s so ill and nobody knows what is wrong with her”.

Ana continues, “when I thought I was going to die, it made me have a lot of energy, a lot of life, maybe to fight against my illness.  Before I was 13, I was a very different person, different girl.  I was sometimes out of energy, usually sad and now I’m always positive and full of energy.  So, the illness changed my life.  I changed how I was.”

In school she was a leader after 13.  There were boys and girls in the school and since Ana  was always thinking that she was very ugly, she was ashamed of going out with any boys.  She thought that all the girls in her class were pretty. 
Ana was always first in her class, always.  She had a special philosophy.  She thought, “OK, I’m ugly outside but I want to be very nice and beautiful inside.”  She studied a lot and always maintained the best grades.  “Between the ages of 13 to 20 I was always in a a room studying, reading books from Einstein to Nitzche, all the books, I’ve real almost everything I could because of the complex.”

One day when she was eighteen, a woman stopped her and said, “do you want to be a model?” Ana was studying biology in Madrid at the time.  Ana said, thinking of her complex “ forget about it” and laughed.  The lady said, I think you could do something: don’t you want to be a model, an actress?”  She gave Ana her card and Ana kept it in her room. 

Three months later, for no specific reason, other than a burning desire to perform,]"H⁄[1]

The first time she was in a major production, it was a very small role in a movie that Julio Iglesias was producing.  She did a casting, obtained a role and then told her father that she had to go to France for a special genetic conference.  The problems occurred when they took pictures of Ana and Julio together and they were released all over Paris Match, the French Press, Italian and Spanish press.  Her father saw her on the covers and he became furious. 

“Ana, you want to be an actress?”, he asked.  --”Yes father, I want to be an actress!”
-”What you have to do first is study and finish your university, graduate and after that you can do whatever you want.”  That is what happened.

Ana had started young at the University, at 16 years old, and graduated early at 21.  She graduated, second in her class of 2000 students. She went to New York City at 21 years of age and started classes at Leo Strausberg Theatrical Institute.  She continued her classical ballet, that she had started at four years of age, and now took other dance classes, indian dance classes and the full repertroir of drama clases  She stayed there two years and then came back to Spain and started to work.  “From then on , I  think I did not stop.  One movie after another, then TV and like that.”
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“I was in Italy filming a co production, with France, Italy and Spain with Peter Fonda.  It was an interesting movie, science fiction, with the past and future moving in time, back and forth.  Jane came to visit and we went out to dinner.  I think that is when Alessandro and Antonia saw me and Antonia came over and said hello.  That was destiny.

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Later in Spain, they told me, “you’re going to be seated next to this man at a party in the Plazza de Torros, he’s very nice, he’s Count Lequio and he’s with his wife Antonia.”  At the function, he was trying to be nice with me, asking me questions but I did not pay any attention to him.  The second time I saw him, we were in a party at Monolo March’s house.  For me that was really the first time we met, even though we had met before, it was like a first date.”

“My first impressions of him as a person: I thought he was a very nice person, a little boy, a kid: he wasn’t happy with his life.  I could tell this immediately.  He was sincere, too sincere sometimes.  He’s the kind of person that never thinks twice before telling something, he goes straight.  He thinks and shoots.
I thought he was good looking.  I was attracted to, more than his charm, the sensation that he was a, sort of, lost kid.  I knew he was married but I wanted to know more, if he was happy with his life and she with hers or if they were on the verge of divorce, as it seemed.  Of course, I had the impression that they were breaking up. I would never have gotten in the middle of a happy couple, never, ever, it is not my style.  By the way he behaved with me, I could tell he wasn’t in love with his wife.  They had no strong bonds besides a child and that did not seem to be holding them together.”
“He wanted to see me and at the beginning I did not want to because I had never gone out with a married man.  Upon the realization that he was leaving her, we started to see each other a bit.  He said, “I’m going to tell my wife, I want to be with you.  That was the honest thing he did. He told her and two months later we were living together.  That is the first time  that I lived with a man, first time in my life.

I’ve always wanted to have a family but I was afraid of commitment and family but with him it was very natural, I did not think too much.  I was afraid of commitment because I had seen so many... like what happened to us: we were separated, that’s what I did not want to do, you know--it happens.

I was sad because I thought I was going to have a happy and whole family.  I have a beautiful  son but I live here and the father lives there. The son is with me and that’s sad always, very sad to not have his father living in a united family.  Though Alessandro is a good father, since we’ve been like this for three years, I’ve never taken any men, I never had any men in my house, even to visit because I do not want that for my child.  If one day I find the right man and I think I’m going to live with him, of course I will have to do it: he will live with me and I with him. 

For ALessandro it is easier because he is in his house.  For men it is always easier, they are in their house alone and can live with another girl with no consequences.

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Nobody will ever take Alessandro’s role as father.  He comes over every day and night and puts Alex to bed, even when he has three girl friends waiting for him, he does it.  Every time I need him, he is there.  When I go to work or I need him to be in the house, he is there.  When I ask him to stay with Alex, he does 99% of the time unless he has a program to do.  He is a very good father but I know that we could never be together again.

We are very well now, the way we are.  He’s in his house and I have my life.  I think we have a better relationship than when we were together at the end.  It was a disaster.  Today, we have a son that we love but it’s very difficult when he asks me questions like, Mommy, is papa sleeping at home or when he says, papa does not sleep at home.  I have very difficult times that Alessandro doesn’t even know about.  It’s hard when you’re alone and have to explain things.  He doesn’t know what it is to be married and so I can not explain to him what it is to be separated.  When he asks where his father is and I say working, I know I am lying to him and it’s heartbreaking that I fell that I have to lie to him but he’s too small to explain things to.

I trust him but he lies a lot, like a child: white lies all the time.  I do not fear him and he only gets nervous on very few occasions.  It does not bother me to see him in the magazines or on TV.  For him, in a way, he likes the press, he likes to play.  It’s a game for him.  For me it is a nightmare to be in the press ever day, a real nightmare.  so what was a dream to become an actress became a nightmare.  Because in this kind of press, the Paparazzi type gossip, it’s horrible for me and my son.  I can’t go out of my house with my son and walk like a normal mother and son.  We have Paparazzi following us everywhere.  For my son it is not a normal life.  That is not the kind of life I want to give him.  It bothers me a lot, him growing up like that.

The only good thing about being famous, as many people said, “that you get placed in a restaurant.”  That’s the only good thing about being famous in Spain, the rest is really bad.

It’s different here because in Spain there are maybe  thirty famous people and 3,000 Paparazzi.  In the states, there are 50,000 famous people and only thousands of press.  The relationship is not the same.

I do not think the press bothers Alessandro too much.  I think what bothers him is the image that people have about him is nothing what he is really like in reality.  They think he’s going out with famous people to make money and the truth is that he could care less about money.  When people figure that out they will understand him better.  Even if a person did one thing once for money, this could be against their principles and general ethics.  It’s tough for the public to see him as he is when he sells things to the press. 
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What they do not know is the times he has turned down $300,000 to go on a show or the many other times he has turned down large sums of money. People do not know the real Alessandro.  Do they think I would have a son with a person who moves for money?    He’s the type of guy that when he was low on cash, would not mind and buy me a present with all the money remaining in his pocket.  So, I do not think this image of his character is at all fair.

Alessandro is playing a very dangerous game because he does not know the end.  Sometimes he makes moeny with the press.  He does things in the press for money but he knows that someone else is also making money with him.  He doesn’t feel that it is not on both sides.  If he sells photo’s or an interview, he knows that the magazine, agencies, photographers are making money with him.  In his mind, he thinks it’s fair.  I give you this and you give me that, quid pro quo.  You give me money but you’re making money on me.

He creates storms and earthquakes and when the earthquake is made, he says, O god, what am I doing?  Is all this happening because I did that thing?  I’m talking about the thing with the famous girl and the wealthy businessman.
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I’m sure he has enemies, sure of it, powerful ones.  Maybe he has hurt people unconsciously but consciously never.  He couldn’t kill a flea. Maybe he hurts people without wanting to hurt them.  I do not know how he does it but he does it.

You have asked me about my view on life and what advice I have for aspiring actresses.  Firstly, I always wake up in the morning and say thank you god.  I am a privileged person because I can work in what I want.  I make money working with what I like.  I always try to help others in the way that I am able to help them.
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The advice I have for aspiring actresses, the only advice is to work hard and to train.  Tell them that it is not easy.  You know, in Spain there are two ways to get famous.  One way is working and the other is working with famous people, going out with them or things like that.  There are always two ways to get famous.  One is the difficult one, the way I took: graduation, going to drama school, training and work, work, work, fight and fight.  In Spain, with all the press, there is another way, the easy way but you stay there a year and after that, everyone forgets about you.  It’s very easy and fast but it lasts for nothing and means nothing. 
I recommend the difficult path because then you stay there until you are 70 years old, working.  Forget about going with famous people.

If they can afford it, go to New York and train but if they can not, in Spain there are good drama schools.  Take the difficult way but the one that lasts forever.  If you want to become an actress and that’s your dream, you always have to fight for your dreams.  When you want something so much, you know it.  My dream was strong and here I am.

I had a dream but I was afraid because my family was in another business and it’s nothing to do with show business, not related.

When the dream is there and someone comes and says, the door is here but you are afraid to go through it but they show it to you and you say, should I open the door or not?  The choice is yours. 

I was never nervous about it.  I’ve always been good with people, even a t school, each time I did something I strove and worked hard to be the best.  When I was in front of the camera at 17 years old, I fell in love with the camera and it gave me more energy.

The best experience before I was 13 is that I always had a lot of imagination.  they used to call me, at home, “Antonia la Fantastica”.  It’s about a Spanish girl who has lots of imagination.  I’ve always been a bit like Alice in Wonderland. I had a very happy childhood with my brothers and sisters.  I played a lot until I became sick.  I was more of a tomboy than a girl who played with dolls.

Jennie Goldman, of Rumania, Calgary, Alberta Canada, Chicago. BTW, she changed the spelling to a G, for obvious reasons, (considering the time).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My elementary school principal @ West Lab, Patricia Frost. We love you Mrs. Frost.

What I know about women and love. A net book by Jonathan H. Rosen

What I know about women and love. By Jonathan H. Rosen  30 pages

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JHR Palms but I have MUCH bigger and better products to come, VERRRRYYYY soon.

Did you know that one of my palm terrariums, by JHR Palms, a DBA oof Jonathan Henry Rosen, was taken by Jake, CAT TEAM to the White House and put in the basement. I wonder if it is still there? CAT is Counter Assault Team, the "last line of defense to the President of the United States." And I drove Jake to the airport with it in his bag, that and the rest guns. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

ALA, Chapter 1, by Jonathan H. Rosen




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˜I like to think of all the wonders, the great and fun things that men and women can do and produce when bonded together; the homes, the rockets, of synergistic morals & ethics -- of cute, little, babies. 
One then, especially if he wants to be better, accomplish more than most men and leave his people a stronger base, is confronted with a new challenge if he loses the girl he loves or the girl that may have been meant for him, the girl who would assist and enable a new level of great and fun things to come to be, the girl who knows you and trusts you, who will help you in your goals and be a symbol of all that is great in the world, all that is lasting and


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Sleeping, he was suddenly awoken. He looked up to see his best friend Julian in the room.  The other boys were behind him.   Julian took the pillow from under his head and put it on top of his face and said, “Alessandro, you do not want to see this.”  They beat him until he was motionless.  Alessandro survived the beating, with many bruises on his body and the beatings continued on other nights.    Now he knew how it felt to be awoken, to find things you cherish  broken apart.  As a child, he now knew what his great grandparents had felt.

The real pain Alessandro would feel could not be seen by the naked eye.  It was the bottomless pit of uncertainty about humanity that comes when you experience the betrayal of your best friend.   His pain was greater than any physical pain he could imagine. Julian was now his enemy in combat. 

My first real encounter with sex was not until later, when I was fourteen.  It was with a prostitute.   The experience was horrible.  She was horrible.Her cost, in 1974, was one hundred lira.  My uncle paid for it, the brother of my mother.  He was being cheap. I remember my cousin went into the car after me.  He did not like women.  I think he was a homosexual since birth.  I remember saying to the whore, if my cousin doesn’t have sex with you, do not say anything to my uncle.   He went into the car, he moved a bit, pretended to have sex with her.  She did not tell.


Alessandro keeps a copy of a letter and poem he had written to her.  He was quite the romantic.  A portion of the letter explains his love for her and how they should not throw away a chance to be happy for the rest of their lives.  It continues to say, “a person can only have so much bread and wine, can only play sports for so long and can make a finite amount of money but love is infinite and limitless.  It can fill the imagination and can bring us a lifetime of happiness together.  I am the heat, like the heat of a stove, and you are the vessel that contains our belongings.  Only together can we turn the raw material into a finer, softer shape to sustain us forever and ever.  I love you and hope you love me too, so that we can live our dreams to their fullest together.  Portions of the poem are as follows. 


I know women like me, just look at the women I’ve had.  Antonia is beautiful and she was not rich.  No one knew who I was.  She was a top model and I in a special squad in the police force earning 100,000 pesetas per month and with that I married her.  So what do you think, every guy wanted to go out with Antonia.  I do not feel I’m the best, just a special person, not only in the positive
sense but also in the negative.  I have reactions that are particular, don’t you think so?  I like to be by myself, though I’d like to have a family.  I’ve run away from places that close me up, sort of like prison.  I like to be free.  For a marriage to be successful, the two must give a lot of personal space, the thing we were speaking with Ana the other day.  Faith, people must trust me.  The woman must not want jealous, stupid scenes. I’ve had plenty of ridiculous scenes.  I understand to a certain point but not when it gets to an illness.  She must trust you and you them.  My instability creates an idea where people don’t trust me and so women look for long term relations.

I’ve always found friendship in women, protection, not exact word (friends with men)  women is a love hate relationship because when it is finished they usually hate me. I’ve always left women, provoked the situation.  When finished they hate me, I don’t know why -- because they love me so much  (says with a giggle in his English accent)  What about the incident where the girl fell in love with you because you spoke to her?  Alessandro replies,” but that, many times happened.”

Specifics of love making.  I have an oral fixation only for women I like a lot.  All men have it.   I like to be soft and cool and do what I feel.  The more I make better love the more she feels free.  Woman must be a “whore in bed, lady in the lounge and a cook in the kitchen yet the majority of women are cooks in bed, lady in the kitchen and whores in the lounge.”  That’s an old saying.  I usually do not like women from the aristocracy because I’m the son of a princess and I do not like women who look like my mother, in other words I don’t have any type of Oedipal complex.  It is difficult  to find a girl that I like a lot.  I like bad girls, the type that knows what life is about., not the virgin sort of type because I do not want to teach, I want to be taught-- it’s difficult at this stage (giggle) of my life but I’m always prepared for surprises.


&^$[1]father did not accept weakness as an excuse for failure.

Once Alessandro’s knee was run over by a horse. At the hospital, his father, Conde Clemente Lequio said to him, “You don’t want anesthesia do you?” Alessandro responded, “No.”  And this is the way it was.  Thus, Alessandro was tough and stayed in the battle. He was beaten many times by the squad, for something he did not do.

Finally, during the Christmas holiday from school, he told his mom that he could not go back. Alessandro’s mother, H.R.H. Infante Beatriz de Borbon y Battenberg. Preucedo Torlonia acquiesced to his strong and uncompromising position. No one in the family knew it and even today, only a handful of people know the story.
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The first person I loved, though I never saw her naked, was the sister of my best friend.  She was beautiful.  She still is as a matter of fact, I think she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.  I do not think she knows about this, as I kept it for myself.

“I was twenty two in Rome, I will not say the name but she was everything I had ever dreamed about.   She left me to go out with another guy, actually, she had

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He smokes like one would drink fine whisky and has done so since he was 18.  He quits smoking for months at a time.  starts with phone calls.  I do not like going out, all the time,  but for people to see me where I am.    Obviously, the perception people have of him was first in a small circle and now nationally.
He dislikes ugly women and ugly people in general.  He makes all lose weight.  Most important  thing in a woman is the eyes, their way of looking and the movements of their body.

He made many errors and realizes it. Alessandro knew he couldn’t marry Antonia but he did.  His family had said that she wasn’t right.  Now he realizes they were right.  But he couldn’t have done it differently because, “when love is concerned my emotions took precedence. “

I  always knows right away if a girl likes me so I insists where I know I can.
[1](±f[1] r[1]People will never say that I’m a boring person but in continuous evolution.  Alessandro defines himself always moving.  I have an ethical basis which would never allow me to rob or steal or kidnap.  

 I’ve been instinctive,  morally speaking, only happened a few times and I do not want to get into the details about that.  I’ve been hurt by women and I also have hurt the emotions of a few - - or a few dozen.

People and some women are frightened coming up to me since I’m famous.  Their fears are buttressed by the fact that I have had several notorious incidents.  I wish people would realize that these bad  things happen to a lot of people but  the public does not know it.  Due to the false perception many people have of me, I have a problem at first when I meet a girl that I like.  I must tell her that I’m not the type of person that everyone is saying.  I usually do not go out at night, only when Henry is here.  I’ve never been a person that follows people.  It is hard to find a person who thinks like I do.  I do not like groups. 


people in general, and not women, as it is a problem with trust & friendship. 
Alessandro would dream that the security team from his palace, in Italy, would come to rescue him.  They would stop the beatings. They knew everything and were there to protect him.  They never came.  Little Alessandro did not say a word about it to his mother.  He was ashamed and felt responsible.

Alessandro admits the beatings occurred on several separate occasions.  One who hears him tell the story is left with the impression that this may have gone on for a whole semester.  Perhaps Alessandro endured the beatings since his   




It is a complicated and sometimes confusing world.  Events seemed to  revolve around who had the might at a particular time and who will hold the ultimate power. In the event that the two do not coincide, revenge will be the order of the day.” 

A leader must reconcile these factors and speak to the people, understand their complaints and solve them in an equitable fashion. 

It is quite confusing, son, now that you mention it.  Let us ponder the reasons, lest the happen again.

]µ[1]The days lunch time lesson was about Italy’s history.  The lessons would change to how and why Spain’s Golden Age and dominion in the world, started to slip away as its feelings of Nationalism and superiority swept the scene.   Mid day’s discussion was about how spain headed into a  path  of slow decline, witnessing  bloody battles and untold misery.   Spain’s loss of the Netherlands,  __ years after its assistance to the US in its independence and then loosing a war to the US in_____, 29 years after Alfonso 13 departure.  A civil war would ensue and many wrongs were done.  World War 11 came and that was a lesson for another day.
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When I was eighteen, I met a girl in Italy, who was not gorgeous but she was very kind and was ten years older.  That was my first real girl friend for a year

and a half.  I remember, I had my first car and I would go and collect her; we’d take journeys together on holidays.  She was a real woman and not bad looking, with black hair, brown eyes and an average body. 

One day, while I was with her, the most incredible thing happened.  We were in the mountains and decided to enter a restaurant to eat.  We sat down and were, apparently, the only people in the place.  I excused myself to make a phone call and on my way to the phone I saw Julian.  It was six years later and there was Julian, sitting with a date.  They were the only other people in the place.  I went back to my girlfriend and she immediately knew the situation.  I proceeded to find the manager.  In the back I explained to the manager that this person had been my best friend, at boarding school, and that he led a group of ten boys, against me, in unfair beatings.  The manager understood what was going to happen and he said nothing as he saw that he was not going to stop this twist of destiny.  I went out and looked over at Julian.  He knew about my new prowess in fighting and thought he was going to die.Julian had a look of fear on his face.  Seeing the fear in his face was enough for me.    I had won the war with Julian but ironically this would be the last time I saw  Julian and my girl friend.


]Ñ[1]a relationship with another guy at the same time and at the end she decided to stay with him.  She said I was too childish for her.   I think her statement was an excuse as I was twenty two and I acted like a guy of twenty two.  She was no

more mature than I .  This is the first time I really suffered for a woman.  I remember the day she left me.  I never drank.  I drank vodka like hell that evening.  Then I went home to Palazzo Torlonia, in Rome. My grandfather heard me come back.  Without saying anything, he understood, immediately, that I was in a bad mood.  He asked me if I wanted to come sleep with him.  I loved my grandfather, the father of my mother.  He was an incredible guy; very good looking and sensible.   I went for five minutes to his bed and then went away. His gesture was so nice and memorable.”  The next day, I felt hurt, my pride was damaged.  When you’re wounded it takes time for you to heal.  I still remember that girl.


When people are oppressed, without remedy, they will eventually revolt.  Things become perfect again but then people get a false sense that everything is good.  Evil  takes root again, in slow, secretive and insidious ways.  For example, a police force is empowered to deal with the criminals and to keep the good people safe but the police end up abusing their power and confuse the good people with the bad.  In many cases, the police know they are harassing good people but they justify their actions as the means to and end.  They can get away with it as the people are busy with other problems and do not believe that such injustice by their own officials could be happening.  Individuals are powerless by themselves and thus the police will be seen as correct.  This goes on for a while and then the people realize that they have no rights. 
He would speak of justice.  Would justice be the victor or would those people with inferior intellects gang together.   They would resort to years of planning and scheming of ways to inflict terror.   It was a world where brother would mistakingly turn against brother and when faced with the evidence of their misdeeds, they would not have the perspicacity or fortitude to admit to such heinous mistakes and thus would become entrenched in confusion and hate.

It may have been history too serious and confusing to teach a young boy.  Conde Clemente Lequio would break up the monotony of his son’s lessons by playing futbol and chess with him.

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Sternly, the dorm master asked each student if they were the perpetrator.  The first student said, “No.”  One by one, all 29 were asked separately and all responded, “No.”  It was Alessandro’s turn to answer.   All eyes were on him.ˇ[1]
“Was is you little Lequio? Did you break the cue stick?”   Alessandro’s face turned red, not because he had done it, but because, “ I thought that the others
could have thought that I did it.”   Alessandro, in a swift, political tone that he learned from his father , said, “No, it was not me either.”  That night, none of the kids at Carlo Alberto watched the European Cup.
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜
It is possible that some were paid cash for a promise to show up as $10,000 was found to be deposited in one girls account days before the ship set sail.
[1]}Ö √Ê[1]Alessandro went to sleep in bad spirits. He thought of what his father would do in such a circumstance.  He would think of how tough all his family, into the past, had been. In relation to what they had lost, this was a pittance.  In comparison to the suffering he was enduring already, the innuendo made by the dorm master was nothing.  It would be a challenge to his character, the worthiness of his blood.   He fell asleep but not before the silent tears escaped from his eye lids and flowed down the side of his tiny face, to be absorbed by the white, soft,  down pillow which he had taken from his house in Italy. 


Above the pain of the beatings, above the pain of having Julian betray him, little Alessandro feelings of grief had already been brought to its ultimate threshold when he lost his father.  Now, when he cried from the beatings, he would also cry for his father.  His pain could be no worse.  Destiny had given him a bad hand.  He wanted time to stop so that he could lick his wounds.  He wanted to find a corner of the world to hide, to find something to console him.  He thought of his mother and how he would have to join her now.  She was grieving as well and he was now the man of the house.  Alessandro also had several friends from other boarding schools and Henry in the USA.  Alessandro and Henry would write back and forth to one another. Henry’s family also had strange and tragic things going on.  Henry’s mother had been caught up in peripheral issues of the Watergate scandal.  All of the letters, written back and forth, are in perfect condition to this day.

Alex, with all the political intrigue and going on with you family and their dating back to kings and stuff, do you think it is possible for drugging, as my mom speaks about, to occur in a normal family? 

Another thing happened. My mom had bought me a solid gold coin for my last birthday on May 24 and it was stolen from my room.  Only my friends knew that it was there as I showed it to them.  One of them took it Alex, can you believe that.  A real thief and its one of my friends.  I can’t imagine it but it is true.  I guess I sort of know how you feel.
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As he became older, he  became confused and could not understand, once again why people were bad, why they killed and why they cried.

Why did bisabuelo leave Spain if he was such a good person?  Why did he support Franco with money from abroad if the people were fighting, in good conscience, against Fascism?  He  would find books in English, written by members of the International Brigades, a brigade from the United States called The Abraham Lincoln Brigade came all the way to fight for the people. Why did the democratic nations not come to the aid of Spain?
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Was past, present and future a matter of fate or perhaps a past ruler made a bad decision or committed an evil deed that would see days of glory turn to those of despair.  Alfonso 13, a boy of only sixteen, pondered this question at the insistence of his mentor, Socrates.  When he had the answer, he would write it down and submit it for logical review.  I can not answer this question, was Alfonso’s response, until I have more information on what past rulers have done and the outcomes.  With such information, I will then give you my answer.  socrates replied, this is a good answer, my king, let us probe for the truths, without fear,  wherever they may lead us.  And so they set out on a ten year mission to study the past.  They employed researchers and historians and turned the west wing of the palace into a section of learning.  Each The king’s mentor would say things like, “information is horizontal in nature  but knowledge is vertical.  The former is no good by itself.  The latter  connects and helps us to be discerning people.”ˇ[1]
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˜ He would stress the importance of learning from other peoples mistakes.   We must study a lot and not only learn all the history before us but the reasons why things have occurred.  With this information, we can better know how to proceed, how to help our fellow man and how to live in peace.ˇ[1]

­fi,[1]objects are of disdain and of little importance to us.  I know you understand what I mean and thus, I feel, I do not have to explain this simple point to you.  Besides, you and I have been taught to always tell the truth.   Henry, I told the truth and now I am in big trouble because of it. 

Julian turned against me and is leading a group of boys against me.  They try to hit me but I’m tougher than they are so do not worry about it.  They are all upset since they missed the football match and they think I’m spoiled and weak . 


I’ll call you when I get home.  I hope all is well with you and that you do not have any bad stories like mine.  Write to me and tell me if you can come visit soon.  My dad always said, ”tough times do not last but tough people do.”  Henry, you and I are going to be the toughest.  One day, we’ll buy up half the world and put all the criminals out of business.  What do you think Henry, do I sound stupid or does your dad have enough money to help us in this plan?  Tell me what you think Henry, you’re the real estate expert.  When you write to me the next time, please explain about mortgages and amortization as I did not understand all of what you said in your last letter.  Unfortunately, I am out of US postal stamps.  This could mean that I will not be mailing this letter until the coming weeks.  Take care.

P.S. Next time I go home, for Christmas vacation, I am going to remain there, away from all these idiots.ˇ[1]

˜¸HHH[1]∞[1]@ ¿˜

¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜Your buddy,

Alessandro Lequio 

December 20, 1997

Dear Alex:

I am deeply hurt to hear what is going on with you and I have some very bad things going on as well, believe it or not.  Don’t worry, I will always be your friend and would never hurt you.  Do not be foolish about it Alex  Time to bail overboard and head for port.  You have been to many schools and so, you will just have to find another substitute for Alberto. Too bad that when your dad and you came here and we traveled for all that time together looking for the right school, well I will not say it as you probably did the best thing  anyway.

Hey, not to bore you with more troubles but my mom has just been checked into Silver Hill, a world renowned mental institution.  I’m not sure you know it but my father is the president of the Miami board of Realtors and he apparently did not support someone funning for a position.  My mom says she was drugged at a convention to get my dad away.  I do not know what to think.  I’m a bit confused myself.  My mom has always been strong and fine and now she is away at silver Hill.  It is strange Alex.  I know it is not as bad as your father dying.  I wish you had told me and my dad and I would have flown over there to be with you. 

Practice up on your tennis as I’m getting better and I want some competition when I come visit.  I am on the wrestling team now.  I’ll show you some moves that will come in handy.  What about I get all my buddies on the team and we fly over secretly and show up at your school. We’ll hide in your room and when those bullies come in, they sure will get a surprise.  The question is, will we make them bleed or will we just make them scream like wimps?  You tell me Alex.  I’m serious too, all these guys at this school come from millionaire families and they can get money somehow.  The question is how can we leave without being caught by the school.  I’ll think about a plan and write to you tomorrow.

Hit  the biggest one during the day when no one is watching, right on the ear and real hard.  Get me the phone number of one of their parents house and I’ll place a call from the US saying some weird stuff about their son, how he is calling saying he is a fag and he wants drugs or something.  I have a teacher friends here, who will do it for me when I tell him all. 

Hey, there is a guy, down the hall who once like me and now he despises me. He thinks I do not want him in my room but this is not true.  All the kids gather in here.  My dad dent up a big carpet.  It took twenty guys from the 12th grade, just to carry it up. This kid Brent told me all his stories the first week of school.  He’s an epileptic.  He’s real nice but has a guilty conscience.  His father died when he was younger and he feels responsible.  The story is like this: Brent woke his dad up one day and his dad yelled at him and told him not to ever do it again.  Well, one night his dad was making all sorts of noises in his sleep and Brent overheard it and wanted to wake him but he didn’t.  The next morning, his father was dead.  Brent felt that if he had woken his dad, that he would have spared him the heart attack.  He carries the pain around all over school.  One night., I hear he ran around the campus like a wolf, making all sorts of noises.  Anyway, I like the guy a lot and wish he’d join us.  My door is always open here and Brent looks down and hears all the noise and thinks that he is not invited.  I guess I should invite him in but everyone else enters without being asked.  It just happens. People just come inside and start making a ruckus.  I am on the wrestling team now and learning a lot of moves.  These guys are real good, New England champs.  I’m just a southerner who never knew what wrestling or lacrosse or ice hockey was until I got here.  I wish you were here instead of Carlo Alberto.  We would have such a great time.


∆e­8Q[1]¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ


¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜December , 1972   

Dear Henry:ˇ

How are you?  I hope everyone in your house is doing fine.  Life if military school is not easy.  The rules are very strict at the moment. They feel that an excessive amount of freedom is counter productive to prosperity.  I feel as if I were locked in a prison for twenty four hours a day.  It’s a really tough aspect.  Things are worse. 

The most unfortunate thing happened to me the other day.  I was accused by some of my classmates of breaking a pool stick in the center room, where the ping pong tables I told you about, are located.  Henry, I tell you as my best friend that I did not break the stick.  You and I come from such wealthy families that when something is broken, be it  the whole table, we fess up, immediately, as we are proud to be regal. Money and material

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This winter night, Alessandro was finally doing something he knew he shouldn’t be doing.  He would  follow the maid to her room. He had an insatiable, mysterious urge that periodically came up from the reseses of his imagination to do it.  An instinctual, involuntary, lustful feeling entered his mind and swept through his entire being.   It came over him,  as naturally  as a  house cat’s  desire to catch a bird.  Its limitless allure and explosive power would accompany him in his search of female companionship for the rest of his life. He had thought about doing it a few times, when he was home on vacation but could not get the adequate courage or the logistics worked out.  One day he found a small door, inside a closet, and it led to another room which was hidden.  A small door, that only a child could get through, was on the other side and this brought him to an area beyond the vision of the security team.    However, there was always a chance something would go wrong and she might see him and he might not be able to cover up his intentions.  He knew that the embarrassment of being caught on such an important mission would be devastating.  Most importantly, he did not want to fail in his attempts as the opportunity for such secrecy and stealthiness would not come to pass a second time.


“I suppose, I was approaching sexual maturity at the time”, he recalls.  “There was a maid in the house. I do not remember her name but she was rather pretty with dark brown, straight and long beautiful hair.”

“I instinctively and quietly followed her to her room.  My plan was to hide and see if she would undress so I could see the wonders of hidden beauty that we had talked about so much at Prep school.”  This was no simple task.  There were various obstacles;  my own family, the security team and the long route to her room. If he ventured too close, he would be seen by her. She stopped at a final security level, before entering the kitchen area,  to be checked for drugs. They created a, virtually, impenetrable barrier for which he could not get beyond without detection.


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 She passed from the garden where he had just finished playing football by myself.  He kicked the ball into a protective corner and entered the house near the dining room.  Alex knew she was going to her room to change for the evening and he knew her route.  He took a different route  but one that would lead him to where he had to go to meet up with her.  He walked calmly into the dining room and began to pass the rather long dining room table made of wood and a relic of the ________.  “I remember looking up at the imposing figures on the many old paintings that hung on the walls.  These men seemed as they were looking at me.  Pictures of battle scenes painted by famous artists greeted me.  I remember thinking that I too knew what it was like to be in battle, to be wounded and  to wish you were somewhere else.”

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Now, he was in his home and he knew it well.  He continued into other rooms, reminiscent  of but much better  than the museums that we had toured in Prep school.  Inside one room, behind a giant tapestry that measures, at least,  fifty feet by 50 feet, he opened the small door and made my way through a maze of small passages that only he knew about.  Alessandro recalls, “I knew where she was as I had it timed.  She would go down several levels where she would be stopped by the good looking and clean cut men of the security team.  As one of the guards would frisk her, she would close her eyes and make a face, as if she were eating chocolate cake.  Since they were paid to be professionals, I knew this would only take a minute and she would be on her way. “

“I exited, past the security team, in the Kitchen, in a secret spot that is almost impossible to find.  I waited and she passed my hiding spot.  She continued and opened a door that led to a stairway.  After thirty seconds I followed. As she disappeared I would inch up and gain more territory.  She walked down the stone stairway, deeper and deeper, into the system.  The
walls were made of large pieces of stone, much larger than myself.  I could climb up onto the cantaleavered portions and follow at a higher level without her seeing me.  It was cold and a bit damp, thus, I had to be careful but I was in my sneakers and this gave me good traction.  She entered another door and descended, step by step, down farther and farther; it seemed like an eternity to me. She arrived at her room, where only she went, as long as she had been
living there. I, immediately, went to the door.  She had no idea I was there.” 

Your buddy,


Another letter from Henry

Dear Alessandro:

I hear form my brother that my mother went into a catatonic state, something I have been pondering the last days.  I’ve seen one if a movie before where someone was in extreme shock and a friend here at school told me about a person living in their building that had to be carried away from his mailbox as he was frozen in a catatonic state.  From my limited knowledge of such a disorder, it seems that a serious trauma or tragedy coupled with an accompanying chemical malfunction is the cause of the frozen state.  A shot of the proper medication is supposedly the only way to break the frozen sate and restore life. 


It is fascinating to imagine their existence Alex, but in the absence of medication and knowledge by qualified psychiatrists, the existence of the catatonic state is horrifying.  I am speculating but like the person at the mail box or my mom,  there must be an unconscious catatonic inclination in people that acts as a defense mechanism.  Looking a the extremes, “ignorance is bliss” and the other extreme, that knowledge can cause great men to jump from from their tall buildings, as many men did in Chicago during the depression, it is conceivable that instead of suicide or actions that would be detrimental to society or themselves,, the catatonic state  is a substitute for when a person wants to go on with life but is so shocked that there exists nothing short of induced mental death.


“I was looking through the small key hole in the door.  She, immediately, began to take her clothes off and fold them neatly.  In her tight, skin colored, undergarments, I thought she was naked.  She looked like a wild, yet tamed cat, with eyes, that seemed, through this small hole, to be glowing.  I could not wait to see if she took off her bra.  I felt my own body begin to simmer with excitement. She was wearing white gloves, a white bonnet in her hair. I was intoxicated, with curiosity, as my eyes bulged and the blood in my body ran wild.  I felt something growing in my pants as it  rubbed up against my zipper and became large and very hard. It was curious and different but it felt good.  I wanted to be with her, in her bed, but I knew I was too young and she might be scared and I knew nothing of what to do.    Looking from my hiding place was enough for me. 

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She took off everything on the bed and exposed her darkness.  I saw that she was with her legs open.  She began to move around and to touch herself.  She made noises as if she were being stabbed with a knife and I was scared for many minutes but then I realized that she was undergoing some immense pleasure that I did not understand.  All I knew was that I couldn’t believe I had been missing this type of information and activity my whole life.

 As I look back at the event, I imagine her movements as if she were lying on the sand, at an island’s shore as a storm blows in. The waves are passing under her, making her naked body undulate as drops fall upon her body, causing the beating movements and the twisting of her abdominals up and down.  My ideas of sex had been that you just put it in and let it stay there until some incredible thing happened.    I wanted to know more.  I did not get into the room. I eventually walked away as she lay on the bed.
She has been in a car accident, I think.  My dad arrived on the scene and she could not breath and he knew to release the pressure on her lungs via a procedure a world renowned vascular and general surgeon had explained to him in detail.  As he lowered the knife to the girls chest, another man, from the scene, grabbed his hand and pulled it backward.  The knife hit the pavement and the unknown man picked it up and told Conde Clemente Lequio to leave the scene. After Attempting to subdue the man, the girl stopped breathing and could not be revived.

It was determined, by the doctors, that if the hero, Conde Clemente Lequio, had in fact performed his procedure, the girl may have well lived.  They explained the toughness of the human body and how hard it was to kill one.  It will live even if dropped from a great building, as long as the cranium is not severely damaged, and as long as the proper medical attention is given in  a short amount of time.  The day was a sad day indeed.


I learned the true story of the king, I think, of France.  He was rebuked by the Cardinal.  I did not like the moral or tone of the story since I believed in true love.  I would find my true love one day.  Yet the story has been like a curse, an oracle that has held true.  

The story is as follows: the king had a beautiful wife that he had hand chosen from millions of females in the community.  However,  the king  had liaisons with numerous women.  The cardinal approached the king one day and said, “I respect you very much and you are a great ruler and leader but though I and the people love you, the people are totally disappointed,growing restless and do not approve of your  filandering with the masses.”  Something serious could happen if the people get angry.  The king said nothing. 

Later the king invited the cardinal out on a three four day hunting expedition. 


0 1Ú[1]We stood up and started to get the roses. Javier got the door and it was Alessandro.  Alex and I laughed and I said, Que tonto somos. Elysa, was trying to tell Alessandro that we thought he was Titiana and I was trying to tell him how funny his son was: we had roses for Titiana and the door bell rang the first time -- Alessandro turned his head to Elysa and Asked donde fue Ana, cutting me off and was disinterested in the story.  Not a good listener I thought.  now I see how kids feel.  Alessandro went inside and Alex and I continued with our bowling.  Alessandro came out, he was now back in the communication mode, and said, I have a new game but the phone rang and he was now talking to his agent in his serious telephone mode.  “Dile que no lo hago.”  Barcelona was being mentioned.

3P2[1]It has come to my attention as of lately that Alessandro is serious about his relations with Anno O.  He seems to be in love with her. The first sign of this was the time I massaged her back, on her couch, with his permission, because it hurt her.  He said Ok to five minutes.  As it went longer, I could see his face turn to one of, “that’s enough.”  I dismissed this incident as one of nonsense.  Later, through actual statements, it became clear to me that his intentions are quite serious in reference to her nad their future.


˜No drinking alcohol is the number one rule.  Practice makes perfect and a 20/20 vision of accomplishing your task at hand.  Mental and physical.  In some sports like tennis it can be 70% mental, golf is perhaps 90% mental, Karate is 30% mental.  Some people in Cuba and other places are born with “fast twitch fibers” and thus have quicker movements.ˇ

˜hough I was in the special forces and we trained like monkeys on ropes etc., that doesn’t mean that I’m stupid, I mean they were going to pay me 10,000 to jump from a bungy cord on National TV.  Everyone was doing it for free.  I went up  and then told then to take me down.  What if that little cord were to break and I smashed my head on the concrete.  I’m worth more than 10,000.ˇ


˜One day,ˇ
˜ Alessandro was in the back yard ˇ
˜of Javiers house with Jon and two girls.  We were trying to set Javier up.  Alessandro was pensive for a time and I recognized it I asked him, what are you thinking.  He said, in a soft, introspective tone, with his hand at  his lip, “once Javier was in an important tournament and his  golf ball was lying up against a tree, near the green.  It was impossible to hit.  He looked at the ball, went up to it and hit it against the tree.  The ball came out and went right up onto the green.  It was the most incredible shot I’ve ever seen.

@ù)∏[1]9/15 Sunday 

I watch TV, CNN al the time.  A liberal is a guy who will linch me from a lower branch.  Mob rule means the majority is wrong.  She wanted her space larry and the judge in Santa Monica gave her my space too.  caught up in the Kennedy assassination.  Why is clinton so far ahead , he’s buried in Cal to sty alive politically.  I love you, wondered who he was taking to.  Perot, why don’t you put the debt on your Visa?  Clinton is saluting a guy on his left with the nuclear codes and Perot is calling him a draft dodger.  How does X who got Reagan to arm the contras, how can you smoke a cuban cigar?  Response,  I think of it as burning his crops to the ground.”  Art Buckwald. Paris had a soul the Frank was weak and the dollar strong.  got a job at the paper.  Waited for managing editor to leave, came back.  In PAris they like people kissing because it shows it is still the city of love. can you imagine anyone but a crazy person necking in Washington?  Then to Robert Redford.  Redford would go to this place in Paris to read my column.  He got to know the people and could go back stage.  then later in the US he became a movie star.  Seven years later he went back and sat at the same place in the front row.  Same group cam eon, Redford asked, do you know who I am>  They said, yeah, Rober Redford., the famous movie star.  Redford says, they didn’t know who I was.

K û[1]
Times 9 or 10 girls come in and beautiful but can’t do anything, in a trap, at cybelis, Anas house.ˇ

Cena de Gala de la Asociacion Espanola contra el Cancer en el Jardines del Hotel Incosol, MArbella 10 de Agosto 1996.

Aless, I’m a punctual and reliable kind of guy but being here with you, I seem to people just the opposite.  I tell a girl I’ll be in a 5 or MArcello I can play tennis anthen wsomething big comes uop with you and you want me to come and I do.  Then I may call the girl to tell her but she may not be home.  thenI’m stuck not know ng if she is calling you or not.  I need a better system of communication.


The General Degal was entertaining Nikita Khrushchev. He went out past velour curtains and there were 20,000 French communists waiting to see Cruschev.  (looks like Khrushchev)  Went to balcony and 20,000 hands went up.  Only American to do that.  Hemingway and Gertruid Stein, 30’s in PAris.  I left bec I did not want to become an x patriot.  something drawing me back top the US Kennedy in White house when he came back.  Book, I’ll always love Paris., Putnam.  hunted bats in Europe.  Story of plumber


He began his jog slowly,waking up his body and warming up muscles and tendons that were injured from years of sporting activity.   He jogged past an old tree and perhaps looked up at a special branch that he recalled from childhood.  He would watch his step, but not too carefully, as once when he had an injured ankle, he looked, for rocks, bumps or cracks in his path, at the ground so much that he almost ran into a car.   

The paper in his hand fell out and was carried by the wind through a metal gate.  He climbed the gate, grabbed his paper and continued on a new path but one that he knew well from childhood.  He decided to remain on this path instead of returning to his old.  Passing all that was familiar to him, he came upon some music from a house. He ran faster, leaving the thought of his injuries behind.  It could have been any street in the world. Suddenly, he saw an incredible sight, a motorcycle was in two pieces on the street in front t of him.  It had apparently hit a car and the driver, a young good looking male, was putting his hands upon his head as in disbelief.  The accident had happened not more than several minutes ago.


People gathered around the scene but no one knew what to do.  People were in shock over the sight of something so horrific.  Conde Clemente Lequio approached the scene calmly.  He told people to take off their shirts and to put pressure on the areas where blood was escaping.  A woman said she was a nurse and she assisted.  He listened to the girl’s breathing and made some calculations in his head.  He estimated, it would be twenty minutes, at least, before this girl would make it to the hospital and she would not last that long as her ability top breath was deteriorating.  Conde Clemente Lequio told the crowd that he had seen this type of injury before and that the girl could not breath because her chest cavity had collapsed entirely and that he would have to puncture the chest cavity.  The signs were indisputable.   the nurse nodded in agreement and said she had heard of something similar.  He barked out for someone to bring him a knife, matches and a candle, rags, water and a sheet.  A neighbor did so.  He put the sheet over her body.

ì H[1]
After sterilizing the knife, Conde Clemente Lequio did a procedure that he had learned from a world renowned surgeon, who had been a lifelong  friend.  He had discussed similar scenarios with his friend before and the steps were easy and necessary.  He would have to puncture the chest cavity and create a hole so that>>>>>.  He would have to be careful to do it right for she could die from loss of blood.  Clemente Lequio waited until the last moment, hoping that an ambulance would arrive and he would be relieved of such responsibility.  The girl began to gasp for her last breaths and he knew he would have to act or she would die.  Note: I guess I have to take this out as he did not do it and Alessandro says that I can't use "creative license" as this is a 100% true autobio.  So who will win this one, him or me? 


Last night Monica was holding her neck and back area as if in a lot of pain.  Alli and Martha were there.  Martha lives in the big house, in La Moraleja, with the putting green on top of the pool.  Alli is her dark, slenmder friend and a paddle player that I kind of like and she like s me too it seems.  Monica is the older sister of Matha.  Dacile was also in the apartment and Alessandro as was Titiana.

We played the game with a glass and a napkin.  You stretch the napkin taught on top of the glass and secure it with a rubber band.  then a coin, 1 duro, is placed on top.  A cigarette is lit and each person burns the top of the napkin as little or as much as they want.  You must see a red flame, no matte how small, or the person had not used their turn. Only the top of the napkin can be lit.  All sorts of holes and bridges are created and the game gets interesting.  No one can be touching the table ant the end as the slightest movement can lose the game.  Monica lost one of the games and she chose to tell a truth over a doing a dare.  I asked her to describe her fantasy, one she had not experienced.  The sister said, sexual?  Yes, I said.  Monica said, O, that’s muy complicado.  I responded, how complicated could it be!  Dacil said, Jon has it simple in his mind as he’s gone over it, over and over. 

I told Monica I could take the pain out of her neck. I asked her to lie on the wood floor to check her spine and then under scapula to check how tight the rhomboids were.  Then I asked her to stand up and hold her trap and rotate one arm backwards as if swimming the back stroke.  Monica, who spoke perfect english said, “do you hear my stones cracking.”  We both laughed hard as she immediately realized she menat bones.  Then she did the same with the other shoulder and she said it was cracking a lot as well and she asked me if I heard it.  I put my ear to her shoulder with my face towards her neck and listened.  Only one minute alter id I realize that it must have looked, to Alli on the couch, like I was kissing Monica’s neck.  I mentioned to Monica that they probably though I was kissing her neck and we laughed again but Monica did not clarify it to the others.  Monica is married to a famous soccer player who is out of town presently and you think she would have clarified it but instead left it hanging.

then we were all sitting on the couch and a show came on. It was a comical situation where the anchors were on the street asking people if their father’s hit them.  A lot of teens and older people said, yes, when they were younger.  they were asked to describe it and it got interesting.  then some younger kids were being asked.  One kid said yes and others said yes.  One kid, approx 8 years old said, “no” very politely and succinctly. the lady asked again, are you sure doesn’t and the kid responded politely again and then she said are you sure. the kid said in  a harsh tone, I said no, as his voice cracked and he moved away fro the camera.  I said that the kid was either beaten badly or shocked that the she could infer such a concept about his father.  judging by how harmed he was by the question, I leaned toward him being abused.  Monica said she agreed.  Then I went to buy some wine with Titiana and Alessandro.

When we came back, the three girls were asking me who was correct.  Who was the district attorney and who was the prosecutor.  DA was above the prosecutor and Martha said, yo see I was correct.  they were very loud and were going on  with other words and we made a game out of it.  Who is the Alcalde in English.  No one knew.  I said, he is the mayor.  As in older one said.  If the government takes land from you by legal procedure, what is this called.  Eminent domain, said Martha. Then to animus, preemptive strike, quarterback, dribbling, press box, oedipus complex, pennis envy.  the game was quite interesting.


¸HHH[1]∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ
˜A scientist once said that sounds, words and voices never totally disappear, that they only disperse at a rate and continue on into the hemispheres.  Conceivably, these sound waves could be found again and heard to their exact original sound and meaning.
˜Is it so with Love?ˇ
Is love like ice that changes form into water or vapor?  Water can be refrozen to take the same form as before without losing any substance, I presume.  Is love similar to a burning log that turns into coal and then burns slower but hotter and longer?  I like to think so.  Or is love like a magician who learns a simple trick of magic and makes a quarter appear where it isn’t.  These tricks get more sophisticated and
can use trap doors, mirrors and who knows how it’s all done.



˜all the lasting things
that can come to beˇ
cont’d future page.ˇ[1]
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜

Guys love one and stay with that ideal their whole lives.  Hunter gatherer, part A.  Predators, searchers.   Girls can love many, not as deep.  Guys can love others but not as fully and it takes time to settle for second best.

Alessandro’s thoughts on love had matured.  Alessandro’s second love was a story with a model he met during his holidays in Greece.  She lived in Milan and he, twenty four years old at that time, lived in Turin.  It was a long relationship of two years.  The two are still friends today.  “It finished because it was getting too complicated.  She lived in another place.  It ended softly,” Alessandro recalls.  “She understood that I did not like her so much as before and she went away with another guy.”


˝ ±∂[1]
He king knew what the Cardinal liked to eat and he served him his favorite dish, the first evening after the arduous hunt.  The cardinal told the king how great is was and that it was his favorite.  The second evening, after the hunt, the Cardinal received the same dish.  And so the Cardinal received the same dish on the subsequent and consecutive third night.  The Cardinal approached the king and said, “my beloved king, you must know that I love this dish and I thank you very much for it but must we have it every night?  And the king responded with a question.  Every night the Queen?


‡ ¥o[1]
˜ ˇ

˜Nine          Ana Obregon

˜Alex, Alessandro’s four year old son, and I were picking flowers in the back yard, while Alessandro was playing golf at Moraleja 1.  Ana had just left in the back of an older station wagon, which I did not understand, with all the expensive cars sitting around. titian was coming over to bring her son to play with Alex. There were some white roses high on the portico edge.  We got some scissors form the house keeper and started to cut them off.  Alex was to give the flowers to Titiana with me.  The door bell rang and Alex picked up the flowers and we went to the door.  It was a guy with a vacuum cleaner.  “Que tontos somos,” said Alex.  Then we started to play with a bowling ball and pins.  Alex kicked the ball towards the pins and they all fell over, as he was showing off his kicking prowess.  We set them up and Alex was counting the pins.  you get an A plus Alex.  Then the door bell rang again. 

˜Five minutes before death you get a sudden burst of energy.  ˇ

When x starts a statement, you know what?  I get a feeling that x is going to say something neg about me or my game, my this or that. but I know this is a conditioned response from childhood and thus I wipe out the feeling immediately.  99.9% of the time I am right. 

The holding hand out at 90 and thinking of positive an then negative. The power of pos thinking.

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˜ Eleven       Henry comes to Spain with Jonathan

Every day her I play paddle, soccer with Alex and Alessandro. I get cuts on feet, toes, clothes get dirty. from paddle I have strawberries on my knees and burns on fingers.  I have blood blisters form golf.  Its amazing that the women do not get turned off.   Today I had lunch with the princess at vips.  She asked me to draw a tree, white room. then came back and got stuck in the back work out room.


˜ of events.  A comes over to say hello quickly to Anna’s. Play tennis and correct his stroke, Ana says he related to king but friends discount it, not true has no money and is not the count as he has an older brother anyway. enter his apt one day, pic and furniture royal things handed down. no product with Marcello Aless invited us to ana house for alex’s birthday party.  Marvcello says to stay.  Psy event swith Ana $issue, massage, losing job, marc brother was there before, small apt, creaky floor, asked me to leave,cousing coming in from It. for bithday, $800 phione bill Meeting at moraleja 1 with owner of Guad, We make demands they say yes.  Anas carto use until they get one.ˇ

¯ ¡˚[1]
Alessandro mentioned that MArtha and Alli should play us in a soccer match and that the looser will take the others to a restaurant, the best in Madrid.

˜“If he likes a woman he’s very insistent, that is, if he know she likes him.  If not, no.  He never hunts for a woman, they come to him.  He know when they like him and it all starts from there.  He has an insatiable sexual appetite and does not  think twice. He’s direct and honest. It is difficult for him to fall in love, even if people think the opposite.  He does not go out with women for money.   Women like him because physically he’s always in shape.  He’s an athlete and loves all sports.  He hardly ever touches alcohol since he loves being healthy.
They learned to communicate in silence and without hand language.  Then they learned to communicate in the dark, utilizing taps, scrapes, animal noises, flash lights, matches and morse code type of equipment.  After one year of training, they were a silent force, equipped with the latest in surveillance and weaponry. 
Thereto, the king had the palace’s west wing converted into a giant study area.   An original of all the books in the world were obtained and they would be reviewed and discussed in each language.  Everyone  from Spain and any other nation, was invited to participate.  Boys, with their infinite wisdom, were invited to debate issues.    Even girls were allowed to participate. Each age group studied, argued or agreed with those people older and younger.  Revelations, no matter how small were documented.  If a person desired the royal council to be convened to hear a debate, it would be done.  MAny months, the council did not adjourn to even take siesta.  There was one rule and that was, that in the pursuit of knowledge and happiness, there were to be no rules. Debates on every issue would ensue.  It was the greatest search for truth that the world had ever seen.  The victors would be rewarded handsomely.  No one would be harassed for espousing their views or opinions.  If two people agreed to a fight, it could take place off of palace grounds and would be supervised by palace guards. There was to be no fighting for boys or girls under the age of ten.  The king built a university to take the place of the wing so that tranquility could be restored to the palace and that this endeavor would continue on undisturbed by the crown.  Fully funded by the crown.
§[1]}>     Í«[1]
Alessandro was found to have a superior intelligence.  At nine years old, he spoke four languages, fluently, as do many Europeans. Through the critically exacting tutelage of his mentors, he had  a perfect command of nuances within each language.  He could recite the history of Spain and Italy in perfect Spanish, French, English and Italian.   

Put in how he asked about Abuleo...



He did well and is a great athlete.  He likes to play futbol, even when he is sick and missing school.  I said to him, lets wait for your mother because she might be upset if you play while your getting over your sickness.  Alex said it was good for him and ,”O, let’s just practice.”  We counted ducks.  Five ducks were on the table. Then we sang our ABC’s and then counted to ten.

Tonight I wanted to scold Alessandro for being scared of all the noises outside and of the dark etc.  I went to my room where he was watching tv and old movie.  A song came on and the children on the show were rounded up and about to be killed by invading forces.  The children started to sing a song that I knew from when I was a child. Alessandro started to sing the song along with the kids on the tv.  The scene was so sad, I felt like crying.  how could I scold my little son.  He is so precious.  The way he comes up to me every time I come home  and he jumps into my arms with a big smile.

O[1]ì˘ æ[1]
¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜Alessandro had a vast amount of information to sift through as a boy and he always had many questions.  Was life about love, opera and private balls or did it consist of pillaging, looting and death? “If my life, and that of my friends, is so perfect, how is it that all I learn about, is war and suffering,” he asked his father.

His father replied, “son, although your mother and I try our best to raise you in a stable and just environment, the outside world is full of conflicting forces and ideologies that I cannot control.  Evil and justice are on the opposite sides of a pendulum and the pendulum swings, for cryptic and complex reasons, from one side to the other. It is similar to the business cycle that exists in macro economics and is governed by time and changes in the power structure.  
 He would meet with the king and play chess......  He now felt at home.  An inner connection to his roots, unconsciously attracted him to the Nation.

ºÆ[1]In his new and exciting land of Spain, he met Ana Obregon, the charismatic, famous and beautiful actress.  With to Spain’s new awareness of Lequio, created, in large part, by Ana, he came to the forefront of public attention and  became one of Spain’s most enigmatic personalities.

Most people would come to know Alessandro Lequio in one way or another.  Many think he is just a Count who is lucky to have been born at all.  Others see him as a playboy, while others realize that he is just a regular guy with a story to tell and a lot of history behind him.   


y|”0 Geneva ó± ˝Times ∫É°?     Helvetica


Los Angeles


„Ä[1]Henry, I miss looking at boarding schools with you and your dad.  I wish we had chosen one in the USA.  My dad said he wished that we could be at the same schools as you seemed like a great person to have a  s a friend. If I could only have more friends like you instead of these idiots.  One day I’m going to beat the hell out of all of them.  Next time I go home, I’m going to enlist the help of  Torga to beat the crap out of all these guys, including the dorm master. I’d like to see their faces then.  I hope you’re around to see it and if not, I’ll tell you all about it.

  I wish you were here in Italy with me now as I have not one friend remaining in Italy.  If you learned Italian, your father might let you join me here and we could be the best of friends.  I would come to the United States to go to school with you, but as you know, my father is dead and being so far away from home now is something my mother will not allow. 

€[1]There is one kid here whose father is a former MI6 agent in jail for being involved in several bank robberies.  It is amazing to see his self control, under the circumstances.  I think I prefer my father being dead to having to face that reality.  No one knows, not even the school.

°[1]Óñ∂û[1]¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜
During the reign of the Spanish Bourbons, which ended in 1931 but began again with Juan Carlos,  ________set up a court of intellectual inquiry.  All who wanted to attend would be welcome, and the throne would humble itself to anyone, if he had something to say.  Spanish leadership controlled the world as did its literature and art and it would not lose its power for want of knowledge.  “Responsibility comes with such power, lest we falter and lose our position,” the king would say as he strolled for miles in the palace.  The palace seemed as if it had been built by god. With 500 rooms, blank, blank, blank and blank, it was second in size only to Versailles but its beauty was unparalleled in the world.   The king did not want to be ruined by, insidious, unknown elements or gaps in knowledge or foresight.  Though perspicacious, seemingly since birth, he wanted to know more.
D[1]Ú7∂ú[1]¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]

¸HHH [1]∞[1]@ ¿˜     
     Part Three         
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜
˜ Eight         Of Royal Families,  princesses and aristocracy
Many people came to know him as a gentleman, sure of himself, though at times having doubts, as all normal people do.  They see him as charming, quick-witted, intelligent, athletic, friendly and regal. 

The following was once said, about Alessandro, by a friend.  “He is self absorbed and self centered. He lacks tolerance for insubordination, insult, slovenliness, tardiness, falsehood and failure.  He is cast from the Bourbon mold of his progenitors.  Seeing him, for some, is to be looking at history in the present.  The success of the spanish Bourbons, of old, and their failures seem to be incarnate in him, to such a degree, where one could speculate as to certain facets of his destiny with accuracy.  This is not to say that he will ultimately fail but rather may succeed and reach new heights due to his infinite resources.  He is not a politician, and despite his training, does he desire to be in politics, and therefore his success and happiness is not subject to popular opinion.  Yet he speaks like a polished politician but to his inner circle of friends, he possesses the comical mentality of a good comedian.  He is a leader.  Its a pity he is not publicly inclined as he would make a great ambassador or president. To know him well is a difficult task since his personality is complex.  He is an enigma.  Publicly he does not mind if the people think badly of him or have false notions, as he is accustomed to it and ultimately he knows he holds the truths in his hands. He  admits to the bad part of his character. He is far from perfect. 
Physically he is tall, slender and well built.  His stomach is twenty times the strength of an average man.  To approach him in a threatening manner is to have gone, temporarily, insane as Alessandro will sweep you off you feet or land a blow from which you may never recover.  He has hidden resources that go beyond the stretch of the ordinary imagination and with such he can solve the worst of dilemmas. 

To know him, as I do, is to love him.  His limitless sense of humor exposes the magnitude of his understanding.  The steady faithfulness of his comradery
His heartbeat began to rise and the adrenaline flowed as sweat dripped down his chest. The impact that must have been at top speeds.  On the floor was a young girl, her head inside a helmet but her body twisted, blood gushing out.  Her bones were broken and mutilated and her breathing was strained, from two lungs that were apparently punctured and collapsed. 
[1]j[1]„ [1]̶[1]
Count Clemente Lequio was pleased to hear that his son was opting in this direction, relieving him of the pressure of making a unilateral decision to do the same.  Together, they took a plane and traveled to the United States and toured the countryside of Connecticut and Massachusetts , looking at all the famous schools.  This is when Alessandro met Michael, who would become a life long friend. 

A decision was made to tour the European boarding schools since they would be closer to home and thus an expansive search of European boarding schools commenced.  They chose ______________in _______.
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜Due to the threat of kidnappings, Alessandro had to move from one school to the next.  Twelve years old, in 1972, Alessandro was at  Carlo Alberto, a military type school, near Turin.  At  Carlo Alberto, events happened that would again affect Alessandro, acquaint him, at a premature age, with personal aspects of the tragedies of life, and direct his mistrusting thoughts, about people, for the rest of his life.

[1][1]ÁG[1]Ì¥[1]¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜The second pivotal day in Alessandro’s life, was a special day for almost all Italians.    Italy was playing for the European Cup in futbol and all the boys at Carlo Alberto were waiting, for the once in a lifetime chance, to watch the game on television. 
˜ billiards cue from the activities room was mysteriously broken into two pieces.  Someone would talk or no one would watch the futbol game.  The dorm master, an imposing figure, barked out for  the 30 young students to form a line. Conde Alessandro Lequio, twelve years old, with dreadlocks and white skin, that made him appear as if he were a girl, was the last person in  the line.  ˇ[1] ˜
There were other groups along side of them and they would interchange personnel.  Other units were trained in different tactics altogether.  There were the monkeys who laid cable for communication.  There was the suicide squad made up of people who for whatever reason wanted to die but were willing to hang on and fight for country.  There was a group trained at sea, who would be dropped off in the ocean and had to swim home.  If they did not make it, they drowned and if they did make it and were about to die, a doctor would monitor them and upon regaining sufficient energy they were tossed back out into the sea at a closer distance.  A similar group was trained in the jungle and another in the desert.  The South American group was supposedly dropped into the center of the Amazon with no food or water.  It is said that many did not make it out.  A whole division once was never heard from again.  But those who did make it back were as tough as guerillas.  There were airborne divisions and submarine divisions, who spent all their time training in their respective areas.  They came together to tell their stories and to share their secrets of survival and stealthiness.  Once an airliner had been hijacked and the team was communicating with the pilot.  A security member was on board the plane.  The pilot was instructed to pivot or turn sharply to the right and did so.. The terrorist was knocked off his feet and subdued by the officer.  Some were so crazy by what they had seen or by the end of training that they opted for the suicide unit.  Others were so strong that they would not break under some tortures. If it passed that someone made fun of the trainees in public, they would be, unofficially, rounded up and brought to a secret location.  Here, they were put into a cage made of metal mesh.  On the inside of the cage was a nylon type netting.  There was one door and it would be locked with the captive inside.  The trainee who had made fun of would be allowed to fight the mocker.  The only rules were no biting and no poking the eyes or the neck.  Alessandro thought many times of what it would be like to gather the bullies together and bring them one by one into the cage.  He would spare Julian but the big boys of the group, the ones who had all the fun beating him would not escape so easily.  He would find out who the real perpetrator, the breaker of the stick had been.  The real mission was underway now, it was time to find the princess. 
How would things be if history had taken a different course? At times he felt ashamed as if his forbearer’s had made mistakes. 

˜Alessandro, felt  that he, alone, had to make up for the wrongs of the past.  He would grow up and make things right.  He would solve all the problems of the world and explain to everyone that there were some mistakes made and it was time to reconcile everything.  Alessandro Lequio di Assaba felt that he had big shoes to fill. He had a burden that was not felt by all children.  But one day Alessandro was left fatherless.  His father would suddenly be gone from his life forever and so would  the lessons of politics and of life.ˇ[1]

˜The details are an enigma but according to a journal that, he said, all serious men kept, Alessandro’s father woke up at six, in the morning on the dot, as if he had an alarm clock inside his head.  At ____ years old, this morning was no different than any other morning.  He put on his shorts and shoes and went outside as the sun was beginning to shine and cast its rays through the trees.  He kept his body very  thin by being health conscious and jogging each morning, though anyone seeing him for the first time would think that his chiseled features were a natural gift.  He would jog 5 kilometers to the park, do his sit ups, pull ups and push ups and then return on the jaunt home.  Along the way, he would glance at a sheet that he had prepared, the night before, of the days objectives. By the time he returned home, the paper would be soaked with sweat and non discernible but he would have it clear in his mind the way he wanted to proceed with his day.
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]
˜Until that night Conde Clemente Lequio wasˇ[1]
˜ a tall, thin, handsome man, with an exceptional insurance career.   He was perched on a balcony, suffered a coronary and fell .  There was no one below to revive him.

Perhaps, if one is inclined to think in terms of all possibilities, he may have taken his own life.  If one believes in conspiracies, he may have been pushed over the side by an unknown assailant who had penetrated the special team of agents designed to protect the family.
[1]”[1]öflô [1]
Alessandro would mourn internally for hours at a time at boarding school thinking about his beloved father.  Each night, his friends would call home to speak to their parents and sometimes Alessandro would overhear one of the boys saying, I love you father”.  Each night he was also visited by the voice of his father and as he tried to whisper, why did you go dad, I love you Dad. On visiting days, Alessandro was visited by a feeling  of emptiness that he grew to know well.   He would never get over the pain.  His secret tears had replaced his father and things would never be the same. And they never were.  Count Clemente Lequio would remain forever in the forefront of Alessandro’s broken heart.

P[1]ù≤[1]V˙[1]“Anybody can die prematurely,” said Alessandro, when asked about his father once much older.  No one is exempt.  Everyone is always on guard, if unconsciously, that they may get shot or run over.  We take precautions.  Girls do not venture into bad areas and boys stay away from some places too.  Life, that we take for granted is precious and also precarious.  Those who have died suddenly, do not get a chance to explain events and if they did, perhaps they would tell us to be more careful and to do more.

Chapter 3     ˇ[1]

¸HHH [1]∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]
˜Cultivo una rosa blanca,
En julio como en enero,
Para el amigo sincero
Que me da su mano franca.

   Y para el creul que me arranca
El corazon con que vivo,
Cardo ni ortiga cultivo:
Cultiva la rosa blanca.ˇ[1]
˚[1]°[1][1]W*[1]¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜
¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]
˜Alessandro, at 5 years of age, was to be sent away to boarding school. He had entered his father’s office at Palazzo Tortalonia,  and  told his father that one of his friends was going away to boarding school.   “Father, I want to go away to school too, like you! “    A look of agreement and pride swept over his father’s face. He immediately made arrangements for an expansive tour to find the best school for his son.

`*[1]Depression is perhaps a mild case of the disorder.  I’m going to study up on this stuff and see what I find.  I’m sure my mom will be fine as she is a tough person..

Your friend in the USA,

¸HHH[1]∞[1]@ ¿˜
¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]


Chapter 5    The Maid’s darkness

¸HHH [1]∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]
˜Mucho, Senora, daria
Por tender sobre tu espalda
Tu cabellera bravia
Tu cabellera de gualda:
      Despacio la tenderia
       Callado la besaria.
˜¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜
[1]À[1]•=[1]ó±[1]The snow created a rare, white blanket across the Swiss countryside.  Farther east in Italy little Lequio, as he had told Henry in his letter, was home, instead of at boarding school.  Approximately sixty million Italians were attending to their chores inside; making pasta, talking politics, maneuvering business deals, playing chess or spending time with their spouses and family. Alessandro was not alone.  There was a beautiful, young girl in the palace and he was thoroughly and enigmatically enticed by her beauty.  He learned in years subsequent that the walk she had was that of a ballet dancer, with one foot out to a 45 degree angle as she walked with a tight yet graceful and erect gate.



Fantasy turned into reality with my first kiss which came later while attending another boarding school.  I had to move around to different schools, due to kidnappings, and now I went to a school in Switzerland.  In Italy there was a girl  I’d see on vacation, my teenage love.  We just kissed and did those sorts of things.  Our first kiss was in Monte Carlo.  It occurred when I was staying at a friend’s house.  We went to the swimming pool of her house and we both thought it was rather amusing to try to kiss ourselves and we did.  I thought it was incredible.  I loved the idea of the kiss.  After that, I was experimenting with myself, moving my tongue gently on the inner part of my hand while it was curled up.  I did not know how to kiss and I would ask other kids what I should do and they said just put your tongue in her mouth and move it, that was it.  So, I practiced and became confident with my kissing tactics.


Chapter 8      Antonia

¸HHH[1]∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]
˜Ya se: de carne se pude
Hacer una flor: se puede,
con el poder del carino,
Hacer un cielo, - y un nino!

   De carne se hace tambien
El alacran; y tambien
El gusano de la rosa,
Y la lechuza espantosa.ˇ[1]
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜
Chapter 9    Of Royal Families

˜ p 107

El palacio esta de luto
Y en el trono llora el rey,
Y la reina esta llorando
donde no la pueden ver:
El hijo del rey se ha muerto!
Se la ha muerto el hijo del rey!
[1][1]Œ F¿[1]ˇ[1]
˜Grandmother said, you should never ask, if you do not want a lie to be told.ˇ[1]

˜There are three stories that have come into Alessandro’s life at different points. 
ò[1]ÿ2 Óœ[1]Echar mis versos del alma.

yo vengo de todas partes,
Y hacia todas partes voy:
Arte soy entre las artes,
En los motes, monte soy.

Yo se los nombres extranos
De las yerbas y las flores,
Y de mortales engano,
Y de sublimes dolores.



Todo es hermoso y contante,
Todo es musica y razon,
Y todo, como el diamante,
Antes que luz es carbon.ˇ[1]
¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜
¸HHH[1]∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]

˜Del tirano? Del tirano
Di todo, di mas!; y clava
con furia de mano esclava
Sobre su oprobio al tirano.

Del error? Pues del error
Di el antro, di las veredas
Oscuras: di cuanto puedas
Del tirano y del error.

Del mujer? Pues puede ser
Que mueras de su mordida;
Pero no empanes tu vida
Diciendo mal de mujer!  
ˇ[1]     ˜Jose Martiˇ[1]

¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]

[1] [1]P [1]
˜wenty seven thousand years ago, cave paintings in Spain substantiate the existence of an advanced culture.  The forces of time and events, would see waves of Iberians, a Moorish people, Celts, an Aryan people, Phoenicians, a semitic people,  and Greeks, spread out  into respective spheres of influence throughout the peninsula.    Then came the Romans.  It may have been luck, coupled with destiny, or perhaps the love, of the ancient Roman and Peninsular woman, was the residue of careful design.
Later, in the seventeenth century, her power began to weaken.  She lost her grip on her provinces in the Netherlands.   She would lose to the British in its naval fight to conquer the southernmost point of the peninsula, Gibraltar. She was militarily occupied  by Napoleon in 1808. Consequently,  power was shared with England and France.   As Spain lost  her children, she grew older.    When she was in the wake of her golden years, a newborn, the war of American independence would burst upon the scene. 

[1]gI[1]' [1]
As a heart instinctively pumps warm blood through millions of passageways, the Madrid heat, in August, propels  people south  to places such as Andalucia, Murcia, Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and Ibiza.   In September, people have the tendency to return to their homes as they begin to work anew.   “It makes me happy, just  to know that such beautiful places exists,” a vacationer was overheard saying.  Most sojourners are swept away by the charm and beauty of Spain and its people. Chances are, when they meet a Spanish woman, and there are many more women than men, if love is reciprocated, and they have adequate resources, they may not  return to their country .  As in the days of old, this is, in part, what happened to the Italian, Alessandro Lequio di Assaba.

˜Events would transpire that would hurt and weaken Alessandro and take his mind off the world and focus it onto his own problems.  Consequently, he grew strong and overcame most of his problems.  After becoming the Italian National Karate Champion and exciting years in the Italian Special forces, he would mary Antonia and work for Volvo.  Volvo transferred him to Spain.

Alessandro witnessed that, in Spain, there were more beautiful people than one can count, as if the original lovers had multiplied millions of times.  Strangers kissed each other, on both cheeks, on the street, in the cafe’s, inside the opera or plaza de torros,  as if they were related to one another.  The general energy was unsurpassed in the world.  Alessandro liked Spain, though he was already tied down in Italy. 

As Alessandro walked the streets, a special aura  flowed in the air.  Unlike in France or Germany, strikingly apparent was the fact  that people were exceptionally courteous,  as if each person were a trained ambassador for the country. He heard stories of  persons gaining a lifelong friend in Spain, after one day, where they could not do so, easily, in their own land during their lifetime. At the same time, the people retained a quaint and enviable small village mentality.  He admired the family makeup and that most families and people were tightly bonded together, by God, through Catholicism.

It was a mystery to him, why the people were kind and happy.  Yet, he was told that down deep, many are jealous of others who have more money, perhaps to a point where the material, for some, seemed to have taken the place of the spiritual.  From these people, he would pity and keep his distance.

§[1]q.[1]2^[1]He would take early morning jogs throughout the countryside on his days off from Volvo.  The old buildings reminded him of Italy and Spain.   The countryside was a great place to jog along,  cast of rolling hills and mountains, filled with quaint homes that are characterized by their the hand work, beautiful gardens and fruit trees.  Palaces and castles were everywhere.  A romantic feeling for the country was hard to hold back. One day he approached the Palazzo Real, where his grandmother had grown up.  Looking from afar, he began to cry, thinking of how she must have been scared to leave such a glorious setting in a hurry when she was just 24 years old.   That evening, he encountered a maze of back streets leads a person, looking for fun, to countless bars and restaurants. They seem to be hidden, in one respect, but the craftsmanship of each acknowledged that it has been there for hundreds of years. 
Alessandro began to notice that while the people from Germany, France, Portugal and the United States seem to be lost or unhappy, the people of Spain are full of life and energy.   It was a common sight to see a young mother, looking like a model out of a magazine, stroll along with her newborn or paly with her children around the setting of a beautiful pool area, surrounded by a lush landscape of roses, bushes and trees of varying altitudes and breeds. Beautiful girls could be seen in any town of Spain, walking down any street in the country. But he was a faithful man.    Alessandro wanted to bring Antonia, to live with him, but their relationship was beginning to change.  

®[1]wë[1]f}[1]is a  source of strength to rely upon.  Others who know of him, either hate him or admire him.  Being an acquaintance is perhaps to be jealous.  To women he is their greatest dream and also their worst nightmare.”


˜Chapter 1ˇ[1]
˜       Why did you die father?

¸HHH[1]∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]
˜Tiene el Leopardo un abrigo
en su monte seco y pardo:
Yo tengo mas que el leopardo,
Porque tengo un buen amigo.

Tiene el conde su abolengo:
Tiene la aurora el medigo:
Tiene laa el ave: yo tnego
Alla em Mexico un amigo!

   Tiene el snor presidente
Un jardin con una fuente,
Y un tesoro en oro y trigo:
Tengo mas, tengo un amigo.ˇ[1]
¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜

˜( find out if father was in any wars, did he grow up near this place...ˇ[1]

¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]
˜Alessandro just turned four.  His father counted to ten with him in four languages   We played with a bouncy, little, red, rubber ball.  I taught him how to catch the ball with one hand as he put the other hand in his jeans pocket. I told him, you must put your hand a little below where the ball is, since it is moving.  Keep your hand soft and do not move your hand fast or you will miss it.  I would roll it to him.  Kids go for where the ball is at the moment and try to grab it when in fact it is in motion and rolling and they need to calculate a bit in front.  The concept is complicated to a child but Alex is beginning to figure it out.
Having seen what sex was like, for her alone, I was confused.  I thought a man was needed for these things.   I couldn’t fathom what it would be like for me to be in the room with her.    The incident was on my mind, constantly, and was the inspiration for many fantasies throughout the year.
Part Two

En el extrano bazar
Del amor, junto a la mar,
La perla triste y sin par
Le toco por suerte a Agar.

Agar, de tanto tenerla
Al pecho, de tanto verla
Agar, Llego a aborrecerla:
MAjo, tiro al mar la perla.
   Y cuando Agar, venerosa
De inutil furia, y llorosa,
Pidio al mar la perla hermosa,
Dijo la mar borrascosa:

  “Que hiciste, torpe, que hiciste
De la perla que tuviste?
La majaste, me la diste:
Yo guardo la perla triste”.

˜Chapter 6    ˇ
˜Adolescent lust and love  (ˇ
˜Time with girl at movie and saw girl friend and vice versa.  Men come from the womb and then spend their whole lives trying to get back in.  Aless growth was stunted and replaced by the vision of comfort in women.)  Why is it that all the great food is bad for you? Is this true of  passion?
Ana has been spunky, kind and funny, the few times I have seen her.  She is always working.  She has much concern and love for her son ALex with whom I get along well.  I see her for short bursts when she comes home to visit her son. She just came in but has a press conference at 2:00 about a movie she is doing.   Alessandro has the same serious love for Alex and the three of them seem to mix well together.
˜Ten            The art of Karate and Golf and other sports
¸HHH [1]∞[1]@ ¿˜   ˇ
˜Yo se de un pesar profundo
Entre las penas sin nombres:
La esclavitud de los hombres
Es la gran pena del mundo!

   Hay montes, y hay que subir
Los montes altos;  Despues
Veremos, alma, quien es
Quien te me ha puesto al morir!ˇ
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜
˜Hunter gatherer, part b., like to run in morning, work out.. Gets the mind clear and focused for golf. Do not get hungry or distracted, as if on a hunt for food to take home for the family.ˇ

I must like the woman.  I like speaking during and before.  I say whatever I think at that moment.  I do not have a technique.  My technique is to have no technique.  I move according tho the moment.  Every story that I had is different, even if the circumstances are similar.  Brunettes excite me more and girls with average sized breasts, normal ones, not small or big.   Big nipples I like.  I like educated women.

Difficult for me to have a long term relationship with women because it always

happens to me that there is a tendency of women to break up your real way of being and they want to make you the way they would like you to be.

pg. 47

Esta, es rubia; esa, oscura; aquella, extrana
Mujer de ojos de mar y cejas negras;
Y una cual palma egipcia, alta y solemne,
Y otra como un canario gorjeadora.
Pasan y muerdden; los cabellos luengos
Echan, como una red; como un jugete
La languida beldad ponen al labio

pg 117

Yo soy un hombre sincero
De donde crece la palma,
Y antes de morirme quiero
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The next girl to enter his life was also beautiful.  “I had heard a story about her from her friends, that showed me that she had sensibility.  She maintained her whole family, economically supported them.  This demonstrated to me that she was a caring, hard working person,  who respected her family.   Her name was Antonia.


Chapter 7ˇ[1]
˜    Behind Closed Doors; life in the Italian Special Forces ˇ[1]

˜ ˇ[1]
˜Commander Marco ,  was interrupted by the army base operator who said, Commander, the president of the United States is on the phone for you.”  Tell him that I will call back asap.  Yes sir.

Marco ., held up a photo of a girl for the generals in the room to see.  She was a typical Italian girl of twenty, with dark hair, dark skin and blue eyes.  She seemed slender and innocent.  She seemed perfect.  She could have been the daughter of any one of the generals but her real father was an important merchant in Italy.

¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ
˜In the photo, she was nineteen years.  She had disappeared form the face of the earth. “There are some embarrassing issues here for the family, that will stay in the room.”   She had run away and assumed a new identity. The family understood her needs and let it conyinue, while maintaining periodic check upss on her without her knowledge.  She went to Ireland first then to Sweden, France, Germany and ended up in Romania under the assumed name  of Natalie.  
“I hope you now see the importance of this meeting gentleman; the president could be going to Defcon 3, for all I know, and I’m asking him to wait for my return call, while we ponder Natalie’s disappearance. A single girl, but make no mistake, this is not just any girl but the daughter Mr. X. and as you know gentlemen, leaving all formalities aside, Mr. X has more  power than many governments.  You can be sure he will have his own team out there gentlemen, a team that will not cooperate with us or share information.  They are on their own and so are we.
When I call the president back, we may want outside cooperation on this matter.   For all we know, she could be somewhere in the USA., though I highly doubt it.   Iraq or Iran or some other oil rich nation.

I want all the relevant information on my desk for review.  Give me the schematics on the nuclear tight bunker in Iraq and all other bunkers under the crust.  Review all satellite data on new construction above and under ground and draw up separate  plans for penetration of each.  I want today’s update on the terrorist hide outs, financials, informants.
In the back of Marco’s mind, he would use this operation, the abduction of Natalie,  as a reason to hurt a lot of groups.” HE was heard saying,”These criminal blood mongers, I’ll stamp on them like caca roaches whether they have her or not.”

We need several billion for this operation.  Calmly the commander said to Franco, “call the necessary people and give them the code. You have 4  hours.  Call back the president immediately and I do not want to hold for two hours.  I’ll be heads on but in case of a glitch or something, I’ll be on level F or my office.”

 The Italians were left only with clues that led to dead ends. The abduction had been done by professionals, who had covered their traces at every turn. Such a job could only have been done with countless simulations, without a regard for money and by people who could not only cover all their steps but maintain utter secrecy into the future.  They were told by the father that she  could be continually raped and he was in a state or near panic.

O[1]º˜,@[1]Leads started to come in about an incident.  Natalia had received an invitaion.  The 60 million dollar ship _______________ was one hundred feet in length and had been transported by _______________  to a European port.  It made its way around European waters, landed at ____________in Italy.  The actual owner was unknown, utilizing an elaborate and foolproof corporate structure of a bearer bond.  Whomever held the bond was the owner, no names or addresses. 

A secretive, yet effective marketing campaign had been underway, throughout various eastern block countries  involving a numbered gold invitation, with a crest of a thousand colors.  It was speculated that years of investigative work and planning had been conducted in order to find the right candidates.  Girls that were second to none in terms of beauty but who were from broken homes, lower to middle income, with one or two incidents in their history that made them less than the perfect Catholic girls.  These young modelesque girls became seduced by  a million dollar party, on board a sixty million dollar vessel. 

It was not an everyday event for these hand selected, young girls in the prime of their lives. It was a rare opportunity, aboard a sixty million dollar yacht, to meet the right guy or girl and to have unparalleled fun. The party was to be incredible, perhaps one of the best of ones life, the type that you do not go to every night.  Hundreds of the most beautiful girls would be on board according to reports by the dock master and other witnesses.  One tall, slender, brunette modelesque type, in her low twenties, exited her sports car in a transparent skirt.  She was wearing no undergarments.  Looking at her perfect body and seductive outfit, the dockmaster recalls, “ I’ve seen naked girls on sail boats, couples having intercourse on their yachts but when I saw this particular, young beauty, I thought I was... she was the best I’ve ever seen, I was going to faint from disbelief of her long legs and beauty.  Then when I saw she was wearing nothing underneath,  I think at that point I had to look away for fear of falling of the dock and into the water.” 
Approximately twenty males were seen going aboard.  They must have thought that they were lucky, knew the right people and in the right place at the right time.  The ship left harbor at 12:00 and was never seen again.   Repots came in that the ship had caught fire and exploded.  The sharks had eaten the remains of the bodies.  The scheme had been fool proof, with the public believing that an accident had happened.  It was the investigative work of the Italian team that decided this event was where Natalie had been and that she as not dead from an explosion.  This was too simple an explanation. 

[1]◊û´Æ[1]In his first month of training in the special forces, Alessandro was told to come into a room, where the lights were off.  After feeling around he stayed still.  he heard other people talking.  they too did not know where they were.  The lights came on.  Looking around, there were thirty some odd guys i the room.  Some were sitting, others standing like him.  All were told to take a seat.  Music was channeled through.  Then the main door opened and a commander came in the room.  Very well, I want  you to turn to your right and describe to the person next to you, the tone of the voices in the previous song.  Alessandro, as did all, turned and started to say, the tone was that of a deep Italian in his 30’s, who was perhaps with a cold as the notes were higher pitched than what seemed normal and the variations occurring inside the larinze indicated an attempt to get away from a nasal predominance..  “No” barked out the commander. I want you to describe it in full detail, without opening your mouths. 

Alessandro was taken via submarine to an unknown base in the sea. It was said to be the size of a city with modern infrastructure sucha as a rapid rail system.  In one sector, Italians were mingling as if they were on the surface in a bar or restaurant.   There were many pretty girls.  Alessandro thought he wouldn’t mind staying there his whole life.  After enjoying themselves for one hour, they were called into a meeting and briefed as to the situation.

An Italian girl was being held hostage and she should be found at any cost.   They were taken by submarine to another location wherre they were then put inside a guided missile.  The missile was launched to its exact coordinates. It stoped, in mid air similar to a Harier jet, by rotating its engines.  Minutes passed and then he got out of the missile and entered a room.  His team came in one by one.  All of them were in disbelief at the precision and technological sophistication of such a land drop.  They thought they knew everything.

Next, by cover of night, they exited by tunnel systems into various areas.  Vans waited for them, equipped with al the equipment they had been trained with.  Alessandro’s group immediately set up operations near a power plant. They were to be the eyes of the operation.  Electrical flow to certain buildings was monitored.  They had equipment so sensitive, they could tell if a VCR was being turned on verses a refrigerator light coming on.  They could virtually see inside a building and know what was occurring. Receptacles were set up on underground sewage lines and all outcoming sewage was analize by one of the trucks.  They could tell how many men were in a building, what they had been eating.  They passed information along via computer.  After several hours they were out, back in their missiles and aboard ship.  The operation was not over and certain groups had run into trouble. The girl was not located.  Soon Alessandro he was back on Italian ground and never learned what had happened.
[1]Ï[1]Gã Ÿ[1]ˇ[1]     ˜Jonathan H. Rosen, Author  1550 Madruga Avenue  Suite 300    Coral Gables, Florida  33146  USA
(305) 665-6609  Fax: (305) 667-5992ˇ

¸HHH [1]∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ

˜Part  One
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜          One    1931:    ROME IS BACK                  
                                  LA DOLCHE VITA (childhood)                                                    1
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜          Two    1972:   Why did you die father?                                                               5            
          Three  1972:    Betrayal                                                                 9                        
[1]%[1]Jw Ÿ[1]                                                                                                    
                                                              Part Two
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜                       The Maid’s Beauty                                                                      24
                       1976 Adolescent lust and love                                                        28
                        1979 Karate & Special Forces                                     32     

R[1]Lú Ÿ[1]                         Antonia:  A chance to be happy for the rest of your life:                                                                                                    
¸HHH [1]∞[1]@ ¿˜       Part Three     (SPAIN)    
¸HHH ∞[1]@ ¿˜
                    FULL COURT PRESS                                     40
                    Ana Obregon                                                                                          42
                    Clemente & Alessandro
                     Jon’s perspectives
                    Other women
                    Dreams for the futureˇ[1]
¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]

The wind took the Roman’s giant sailboat 1000 kilometers,  to the peninsula. Suddenly, through his binoculars, he saw a magnificent sight, a girl who defined the essence of beauty.  Closer to shore,  he anchored his ship and took a smaller boat ahore.   Her heart beat faster as she saw the man of her dreams approaching.  A glow in their eyes, they exchanged their first glance.    He said Hello (in latin) . She  smiled, revealing her white teeth and two sharp bicuspids that gave her a wild appearance.  Although they did not speak the same language, he saw, above all, that she was vivacious. She saw beuaty in the strength of his body and the gentleness of his smile.  Instantly, they felt a burning passion for each other. 

He carried her, through the calm, clear water.  The moon began to cast a beam that followed them as they walked.  As the water became deeper, the bottom half of her body became wet.  Her back arched, her long hair blowing in the wind, exposing her neck, he gave her a kiss. She entered his cabin to dry off.  As she was nude, slowly stoking her face, he gave her a kiss on the nape of her neck and then on her ankle. Gently putting his hand on her thigh she brushed his hand asside and withdrew her leg.  Centimeter at a time, the Roman strategically gained territory.  Stroking her calfs and kissing, sucking and nibbling on her back, he turned her around and began to explore the sensitive areas of her stomach and chest.   She closed her eyes and stroked her hair with both hands.  Her mouth opened as her face relaxed. Gently kissing her from side to side, she made loud, beautiful sounds, as her stomach undulated, similar to the waves now  rolling under the sailboat. 
The Roman chose to become an ex patriot from Italy, so that he could marry his love.  Though they had their times of trouble, they multiplied into a powerful and beautiful  family and lived happily.  Set to destroy the Romans, the Carthaginians deployed its navy and a large sqadron of elephants that would cross Spain and the Pyrenees to attempt to defeat Rome on its owen territory. The Roman, his family and friends, defeated the Greeks and Carthaginians in the second Punic War. They brought over their Latin language, Roman law and Christian religion.  Henceforth, the mighty power of Rome and the limitless beauty of Spain were intertwined forever and ever.  

The Visigoth’s, a Teutonic or German people who, overran Italy and dominated Spain.  Then the Arabs entered Spain.  Later, In the name of nationalism, Isabel unified the kingdoms.   Inevitably, Spain rose up, out of all the nations on earth, to be the dominant force in the world.  She kicked the Jews and Moors out of the country in 1492, the year Columbus set sail to look for a new land and discovered the New World which was to be a part  of a gigantic overseas empire.   The tenacious Moors maintained a desire to come back, to conquer parts of Spain again but with the destruction of the Ottoman ships at Lepanto in 1571, the Spanish solidified their power.    Now, Spain continued to project its dominance on the world.  Her physically superior infantry, colonizing navy and international prestige, were the order of the century.

The Spanish Bourbons stepped in and brought an end to Spain’s decline.  Despite certain failures in subsequent years by other Bourbons, for the most part, the miraculously tough Bourbons were a significant part of Spanish strength and were loved by the people. The first Bourbon,  sixteen year old Felipe 5, on December 4, 1700, reluctantly left the palace of Versailles to ride to Madrid. On his white horse, (NAME) he traveled over the Pyrenees for fifty days. He built the Baroque Oriente Palace, a palace whose beauty is beyond verbal comprehension. Like the beauty of a female, she must be seen by the naked eye to be understood and appreciated.  

One hundred and eighty six years later, Alfonso 13, the only king ever to be born king, in the history of the world, took his position as king of Spain on may 17, 1902 after Spain’s loses in a war with the United states.  He had exceptional charm. He always desired t o speak to the people at large.  An aide once felt obliged to warn a construction foreman beforehand:  “IF His MAjesty speaks to you, pretend you’re dumb.”  (321)   In 1905 he named his sailing yacht Queen x and would ask his valet at 7 AM, “who have the press married me to this morning?” (324)  A Berlin newspaper carried a cartoon of “Princess” Alice Roosevelt, the President’s daughter, with the caption “Alfonso of Spain Wishes to marry?  I am not unwilling.  Both of our names begin with ‘A” so we can both use the same handkerchiefs.”   (324)\  The newspaper ABC publised eight possible canidates  and requested votes on “who will be the future Queen of Spain.” (324)  The result was:

Ü[1]∑µ …[1]
Olga of Cumberland, 21 niece of Edward
Victoria Of Prussia
Wiltrude of Bavaria
Patricia of Connaught
MAria Antonia of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
BEatrice of Saxe-Coburg
Victoria Eugenia of BAttenberg
Louise of Orléans,

The king now knew, withthe approval of his people, he would marry Victoria Eugenia, her photo was on his desk and they were desribed as “hopelessly in love.” (324)  Her only other suitor of note, Grand Duke Boris, a Romanov, she married Alfonso on May 31.  Ena crossed the frontier at Irún where having arrived by train, the first thing she did was to curtsy to the Spanish flag.  (325)  Visiting Ena in the 1920’s Grans Duchess Marie of Russia said that” she was by far the most human representative of her kind in spite of the long period of years spent  at the stiffest court in europe.  She achived a perfect balance between ease and simplicity on the one side and the obligations of her rank on the other.”  (329)    After the birth of Alfonso, the Prince of Asturias, on May 10, 1907,  a hemophiliac. Ena’s grandmother, mother and aunt were the female carriers of the defective X chromososme but he victims were males.
THe second son Jaime was born in 1908 and two daughters, Beatriz and Maria Cristina, were born in 1909 and 1911 and then the Infante Juan in 1913.  Lastly was Gonzolo born in 1914. 

The king kept Spain out of WW1 but was a source of food and other supplies to the allies.  Spain’s new wealth did not enable the masses to enjoy the benefits of the day.  A classic scenario, involving basic elements the lack of control that exist in any large, decentralized system, began to unfold.  As in any dramatic inter personal phenomenon, the key question was who could be trusted to act in accordance with the interests at hand and not for persnal motives.   The King gave a speech in Córdoba in May of 1921, inclued these ominous words:
[1]æ[1]ø' „[1]
I am not an absolute monarch.....       Responsibility has been conferred on Parliament, and it is a severe thing to say, but it is the bold truth, that Parliament is not living up to its duties, and many schemes presented to it which would be of great benefit to the country do not make headway...... I have been king for ninteen years, and I have never criticized the Constitution.  I know my ground, and I know what I must say.  And becasue I know this and in view of the state of things I have described, I feel the necesity for the Provinces to support a movement in support of the King, and then in Parliament the welfare of the nation, and not political interest, will triumph.

ˆ[1]¡Â 'j[1]
The “Roaring 1920’s” and Alfonso’s character were summed up by a friend of Alfonso’s,  Winston Churchill, when he wrote, “ the long years of cerimonial, the cares of state, the perils which beset him have left untouched the fountain of almost boyish merriment and jollity.”  (339)

The “Roaring 1920’s” were now over due to whatever reasons.  There are libraries replete with theoreys on the evolution of Spain and of the sign wave nature of Bourbon prominance, downfall and resurgance.   April 14, 1931, there was a ring of the telephone that reverberated off the walls of the Palazzo Real.  Alfonso 13, soon to be the penultimate Bourbon ruler, an adept and loved leader throughout Spain and the rest of Europe, answered the phone.  Revolutionary currents were taking form.  In an attempt to keep the peace in his nation, he made the heartbreaking and  voluntarily decision to  leave the land he cherished. He would bring a temporary end to what was a a long chain of talented Bourbon leaders.

Much would happen in the ensuing years to test the will of Europe and the world. Spain was engulfed in a civil war and later Franco had the  power to deny Hitler the chance to ravage its landscape, rape its woman, kill the several thousand remaining Jews or to gain a foothold in Gibraltar. 

Subsequently , in 1966,  the inadvertant nuclear destruction of Spain almost occured, an event, not widely known to today’s Spaniards.  It occured. on June 17, 1966  at 10:16 A.M.   Tthere wa an explosion in the blue sky of the coast of Palomares,Spain.  A US military aeroplane, carrying four Nuclear bombs, crashed  while attempting to refuel in flight.  Four nuclear, Hydrogen bombs fell onto Spain but did not explode. It was the first publicky known incident of a nuclear weapon ever being lost and a huge, technocally sophisticated search was under way for the missing bomb.   “A total of 5,000 times the power of Hiroshima atomic bomb, and presumably enought o have obliterated more than the whole southeastern corner of Spain.”  Three were recovered from tomato fields immediately, during Operation Broken Arrow, but the fourth could not be founed and was presumed to be somewhere in the sand beds of the ocean.  Miguel Castro Navaro remarked later, as people could see the fires and the quarantine of the tomato fields, “we thought tht the world was coming to an end.”   Little did he know how right he could have been.

The fourth bomb could not beimmediately  found.  It sat, presumably under the ocean floor, awaiting the possible effects of errosion and the shifts of the ocean. The Spanish people were suddenly awoken to the threats of anew,  modern nuclear age but, once again,  averted the destruction of their great nation. 


˜Alessandro Lequioˇ[1]
In 1960, Six years before the bombs were dropped, the first born of the Bourbon great grandchildren, Alessandro Lequio di Assaba took his first breath in Luzern, Switzerland.ˇ
˜ Alessandro visited Spain in 1975 after the death of Franco and in 1982 for the world cup.  In 1989 he was summoned to Spain for the death of his first cousin of his mother, Duke of Cadiz.   It was not until 1990, when Fiat would transfered Alessandro from operations in Poland to work in Spain, that an awareness of Alessandro’s ties to the monarchy became widely known. 

Though Spain  was fifteen years into a social and entreprenuerial resurgance of gigantic proportions, a dichotamy now existed in Spain, between those people who understand that royal families do continue on in varying facets into the future and  other insecure people on one side and overly secure people on the other, who did not like the emergence of a young outsider who carried the legitimcy of the bloodline of Alfonso 13.  The historical inuendo or supreacy for which Alessandro could weal was looked on, perhaps, as favorably as a bitter medicne thta one stores away in a cabinet.

Oä[1]How does a socciety that is ancient and been through so much look upon a decendant of King Alfonso 13 given the complexities of history and the uncertainess of a social structure that still revolves around the monarchy. 

His great grandmother, Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg, whose mother, Princess Beatrice, was the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria, lived to see Alessandro’s baptismˇ[1]
˜ on June 17, 1960.  Alessandro would spend most of his early life growing up in Italy at Palazzo Tortolonia.

While Alessandro was turning eleven, Franco still ruled Spain, with authority, until 1975 when Juan Carlos de Bourbon took control and emerged triumphant. The Bourbon’s were back in their rightful position.  With the confidence of the army and the people, he skillfully sewed the seeds to bring Spain to its present day glory, under a democratic government. Spain would be a free nation again, a free people who are beautiful, spirited, vibrant and friendly. A new order had begun.  Madrid would become the center of the nation.

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˜Alessandro Lequioˇ[1]
In 1960, six years before the nuclear bombs were dropped on Spain, the first born of the Bourbon great grandchildren, Alessandro Lequio di Assaba took his first breath in Luzern, Switzerland.ˇ
˜ Alessandro visited Spain in 1975 after the death of Franco and in 1982 for the world cup.  In 1989 he was summoned to Spain for the death of his first cousin of his mother, Duke of Cadiz.   It was not until 1990, when Fiat would transfered Alessandro from operations in Poland to work in Spain, that an awareness of Alessandro’s ties to the monarchy became widely known. 

Though Spain  was fifteen years into a social and entreprenuerial resurgance of gigantic proportions, a dichotamy now existed in Spain, between those people who understand that royal families do continue on in varying facets into the future and  other insecure people on one side and overly secure people on the other, who did not like the emergence of a young outsider who carried the legitimcy of the bloodline of Alfonso 13.  The historical inuendo or supreacy for which Alessandro could weal was looked on, perhaps, as favorably as a bitter medicne thta one stores away in a cabinet.

vr[1]How does a socciety that is ancient and been through so much look upon a decendant of King Alfonso 13 given the complexities of history and the a social structure that still revolves around the monarchy. 

His great grandmother, Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg, whose mother, Princess Beatrice, was the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria, lived to see Alessandro’s baptismˇ[1]
˜ on June 17, 1960.  Alessandro would spend most of his early life growing up in Italy at Palazzo Tortolonia.

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¸HHH[1]∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]

˜Each time you cry, I think you grow up a little more.
ˇ[1]     ˜Alessandro Lequioˇ[1]

Del mujer? Pues puede ser
Que mueras de su mordida;
Pero no empanes tu vida
Diciendo mal de mujer!  
ˇ[1]     ˜Jose Martiˇ[1]

¸HHH∞[1]@ ¿˜ˇ[1]



˜wenty seven thousand years ago, cave paintings in Spain substantiate the existence of an advanced culture.  The forces of time and events, would see waves of Iberians, a Moorish people, Celts, an Aryan people, Phoenicians, a semitic people,  and Greeks, spread out  into respective spheres of influence throughout the peninsula.    Now came the Romans.  It may have been luck or destiny. Perhaps the love, of the ancient Roman and Peninsular woman, was the residue of careful design.  It happened one summer day.

Wind and rutter took the Roman’s giant  boat 1000 kilometers,  to the peninsula. Suddenly, as the sun almost disapeared behind the horizzons, he looked through his binoculars and saw a magnificent, vivacious woman playing with her dog on the beach .   He maneuvered closer to shore,  anchored his ship and took a smaller boat ashore.    Long dark hair, dark skin, chisled face, white teeth, toned legs and a glow in her eyes, she defined the essence of beauty.  She was frightened at first and her heart began to pump quicker.  Her heart beat even faster as she saw the man of her dreams approaching. Involuntarily her body gave away her mood as she became erect with excitement.  A glow in their eyes, they exchanged their first close glance and would never again look to another.    He said Hello (in latin) . She  smiled, revealing her white teeth and two beastlike bicuspids.  Although they did not speak the same language and could not communicqate, he saw, above all, that she was vivacious. He couldn’t help but  seeing her excitement as revealed by her errectness.  She saw,  in him,  beuaty in the strength of his body, the gentleness in his smile and offering of food from a distant land.  Instantly and steadily growing by the minute, they began to expeience a passion for each other that would never be satisfied.  But they would soon try.

He carried her from the shore, through the calm, clear water.  The moon was now out.  It cast a beam that followed them as they walked.  As the water became deeper, the bottom half of her body became wet.  Her back arched, her long hair blowing in the wind, exposing her per fect skin, he gave her a kiss on the nape of her neck. Her body tingled with excitment and a feeling of extacy ran through her entire boddy as she moaned at his kiss.  She entered his cabin to dry off and sat with a towel around her waist.   Gently stoking her hair, he began to toucch her on her ankle. Gently putting his fingers on her perfectly formed thigh she brushed his hand asside and withdrew her leg.  Centimeter at a time, the Roman strategically maneuved his hand around he leg.  Stroking her calfs and kissing, sucking and nibbling on her back, he turned her around and began to explore the sensitive areas of her stomach and chest.   She closed her eyes and stroked her hair with both hands and her leg movd back to its original position and then a bit  more open.  Her mouth opened as her face relaxed. Soft waves now began to roll under the ship.  Gently kissing her all over her body he moved his lips to hers and with the interaction of these forces, her stomach began to undulate as she made loud, beautiful sounds of extacy.   
The Roman chose to become an ex patriot from Italy, so that he could marry his love.  Though they had their times of trouble, they multiplied into a powerful and beautiful  family and lived happily.  Set to destroy the Romans, the Carthaginians deployed its navy and a large sqadron of elephants that would cross Spain and the Pyrenees to attempt to defeat Rome on its owen territory. The Roman, his family and friends, defeated the Greeks and Carthaginians in the second Punic War. They brought over their Latin language, Roman law and Christian religion.  Henceforth, the mighty power of Rome and the limitless beauty of Spain were intertwined forever and ever.  




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He carried her from the shore, through the calm, clear water.  The moon was now out.  It cast a beam that followed them as they walked.  As the water became deeper, the bottom half of her body became wet.  Her back arched, her long hair blowing in the wind, exposing her per fect skin, he gave her a kiss on the nape of her neck. Her body tingled with excitment and a feeling of extacy ran through her entire boddy as she moaned at his kiss.  She entered his cabin to dry off and sat with a towel around her waist.   Gently stoking her hair, he began to toucch her on her ankle. Gently putting his fingers on her perfectly formed thigh she brushed his hand asside and withdrew her leg.  Centimeter at a time, the Roman strategically maneuved his hand around he leg.  Stroking her calfs and kissing, sucking and nibbling on her back, he turned her around and began to explore the sensitive areas of her stomach and chest.   She closed her eyes and stroked her hair with both hands and her leg movd back to its original position and then a bit  more open.  Her mouth opened as her face relaxed. Soft waves now began to roll under the ship.  Gently kissing her all over her body he moved his lips to her thighs and kissed them and did what came naturally.  She had been missing this type of activity her whole life and could not expect anything better.  Suddenly she began to feel a sensation as if her body were transforming into a vessel of extreem extacy and her mind could think of nothing but of how good she was feeling.  Moving his lips side to side, she moved her hips up and down. She began to make sounds, that grew louder.  She clawed here nails into his backand  bit into his skin .  Her stomach began to undulate and her screams grew so loud that it sounded as if she were being tortured by some immense pleasure.   Their fun had just began and as the sun rose, they fell asleep in each others arms and dreamed only of each other.  Dreaming of being inthe arms of the one and only  they finally awoke.   Their realiity was now a continuation of their dreams.


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He carried her from the shore, through the calm, clear water.  The moon was now out.  It cast a beam that followed them as they walked.  As the water became deeper, the bottom half of her body became wet.  Her back arched, her long hair blowing in the wind, exposing her per fect skin, he gave her a kiss on the nape of her neck. Her body tingled with excitment and a feeling of extacy ran through her entire boddy as she moaned at his kiss.  She entered his cabin to dry off and sat with a towel around her waist.   Gently stoking her hair, he began to toucch her on her ankle.Putting his fingers on her perfectly formed thigh she brushed his hand asside and withdrew her leg.  Centimeter at a time, the Roman strategically maneuved his hand around he leg.  Stroking her calfs and kissing, sucking and nibbling on her back, he turned her around and began to explore the sensitive areas of her stomach and chest.   She closed her eyes and stroked her hair with both hands and her leg movd back to its original position and then a bit  more open.  Her mouth opened as her face relaxed. Soft waves now began to roll under the ship.  Gently kissing her all over her body he moved his lips to her thighs and kissed them and did what came naturally.  She had been missing this type of activity her whole life and could not expect anything better.
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 Suddenly she began to feel a sensation as if her body were transforming into a vessel of extreem extacy and her mind could think of nothing but of how good she was feeling.  Moving his lips side to side, she moved her hips up and down. She began to make sounds, that grew louder.  She clawed here nails into his backand  bit into his skin .  Her stomach began to undulate and her screams grew so loud that it sounded as if she were being tortured by some immense pleasure.   Their fun had just began and as the sun rose, they fell asleep in each others arms and dreamed only of each other.  Dreaming of being inthe arms of the one and only  they finally awoke.   Their realiity was now a continuation of their dreams.



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