Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jonathan Rosen Beamer ABC & K at Kickstarter Jonathan h. Rosen, Sole Inventor

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Jonathan Rosen, Beamer ABC @ kickstarter

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Other amazing thing of yesterday: probably gold bound for the Federal Reserve

Silver melt: Four of the most amazing things happened yesterday and this is one of them. What's wrong with U.S. T.V.

The following words or phrases can be used when referring to us TV. Base-criminal-insensitive-appalling-crass-violent, needlessly violent to appease the illiterate  masses, targeting the sick- minded audience, not intellectually stimulating, anti - family, anti -love, sophomoric, lack of morals and ethics in TV leadership, it's inability to compete with older crime-based TV shows done with taste such as Hawaii 5-0, Wild Wild West, Starkey and Hutch,Mission Inposible-1, Adam-12, Giligins island.
The subservient public allows such violent to be pushed on their children, in my opinion bordering on criminal on the part of TV executives.
Jonathan Rosen

I am in a rush now and can't write about all of the incidents but I will post later.  This one is easy enough to relay quickly.....I purchased 20 ounces of silver in Israel not too long ago, junk silver. I melted it yesterday and this is what I got below. Tell me that is not amazing.  I mean, you melt these things in solid blocks, not with some image in them. So how did the two faces get on each side, plus the gold and the copper effect...? And the foot and shoulders?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Who is the best overall quarterback in US history? I say, this man

The Conde Lequio Files: Ana Obregon.... excerpts, by Jonathan H. Rosen

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 I trust him......................(continue here)>    I do not fear him and he only gets nervous on very few occasions.  It does not bother me to see him in the magazines or on TV.  For him, in a way, he likes the press, he likes to play.  It’s a game for him.  for me it is a nightmare to be in the press ever day, a real nightmare.  so what was a dream to become an actress became a nightmare.  Because in this kind of press, the Paparazzi type gossip, it’s horrible for me and my son.  I can’t go out of my house with my son and walk like a normal mother and son.  We have Paparazzi following us everywhere.  For my son it is not a normal life.  That is not the kind of life I want to give him.  It bothers me a lot, him growing up like that.

Alessandro is playing a very dangerous game because he does not know the end.  He’s a good person and does not move for money, except sometimes with the press.  He does things in the press for money but he knows that someone else is also making money with him.  He doesn’t feel that it is not on both sides.  If he sells photo’s or an interview, he knows that the magazine, agencies, photographers are making money with him.  In his mind,he thinks it’s fair.  I give you this and you give me that.  YOu give me money but you’re making money on me.

He creates storms and earthquakes and when the earthquake is made, he says, O god, what am I doing?  Is all this happening because I did that thing?  I’m talking about the thing with the famous girl and the wealthy businessman.
The only good thing about being famous, as many people said, “that you get placed in a restaurant.”  That’s the only good thing about being famous in Spain, the rest is really bad.
It’s different here because in Spain there are maybe  thirty famous people and 3,000 Paparazzi.  In the states, there are 50,000 famous people and only thousands of press.  The relationship is not the same.

I do not think the press bothers Alessandro too much.  I think what bothers him is the image that people have about him is nothing what he is really like in reality.  They think he’s going out with famous people to make money and the truth is that he could care less about money.  When people figure that out they will understand him better.  Even if a person did one thing once for money, this could against their principles and general ethics.  It’s tough for the public to see him as he is when he sell things to the press.  What they do not know is the times he has turned down $300,000 to go on a show or the many other times he has turned down large sums of money. People do not know the real Alessandro.  do they think I would have a son with a person who moves for money.  Little do they know that the present value of earnings is quite good.   He’s the type of guy that when he was low on cash, would not mind and buy me a present with all the money remaining in his pocket.  So, I too do not think this converse image of his character is at all fair.
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§#(!ƒ÷[1]When Ana Obregon was thirteen years old, she had a very serious illness in her stomach, a tumor.  Her parents did not want to tell her that she was perhaps terminal but as Ana recall, “ I heard my parents through the door, 

Ana recalls, “when I thought I was going to die, it made me have a lot of energy, a lot of life, maybe to fight against my illness.  Before I was 13, I was a very different person, different girl.  I was out of energy, always sad and now I’m always positive and full of energy.  So, the illness changed my life.  I changed how I was.”

In school she was a leader after 13.  There were boys 
Ana was always first in her class, always.  She had a special philosophy.  

One day when she was eighteen, a woman stopped her and said, “do you want to be a model.” Ana was studying biology in Madrid at the time.  Ana said, thinking of her complex “ forget about it and laughed.”  The lady said, I think you could do something: don’t you want to be a model, an actress?”  She gave Ana her card and Ana kept it in her room. 

Three months later, 

Ana had to hide this aspect of her life all the time.  Once she did a commercial and it was showing up on TV and she did not want her father to know.  the family 

She did an add, that was made into a billboard and they put it right in front of her father’s office.  Her father came home and said, “

The first time she was in a movie, it was a very small role in a movie that Julio Iglesias was producing.  She did a casting, obtained a role and then 

“Ana, you want to be an actress?”, he asked.  --”Yes father, I want to be an actress!”
-”WHat you have to do first is study and finish your university, graduate and after that you can do whatever you want.”  That is what happened.

Ana started young at the University, at 16 years old and graduated at 21.  She graduated, second in her class of 2000 students. She went to New York City at 21 years of age and started classes at Leo Strausberg Theatre Institute.  She continued her classical ballet that she had started at four years of age and took drama, other dance classes, indian classes.  She stayed there two years and then came back to Spain and started to work.  “From then on , I  think I did not stop.  One movie after another, then TV and like that.
I was in Italy filming a co production, with France, Italy and Spain with PEter Fonda.  It was an interesting movie, science fiction, with the past and future moving in time, back and forth.  Jane came to visit and we went out to dinner.  I think that is when Alessandro and Antonia saw me and Antonia came over and said hello.  That was destiny.

Later in Spain, they told me, “you’re going to be seated next to this man at a party in the Plazza de Torros, he’s very nice, he’s Count Lequio and he’s with his wife.”  He was trying to be nice with me, asking me questions but I did not pay any attention to him.  The second time I saw him, we were in a party at Monolo March’s house.  For me that was really the first time we met, even though we had met before, it was like a first date.”

“My first impressions of him as a person: I thought he was a very nice person, a little boy, a kid: he wasn’t happy with his life.  I could tell this immediately.  He was sincere, too sincere sometimes.  HE’s the kind of person that never thinks twice before telling something, he goes straight.  He thinks and shoots.
I thought he was good looking.  I was attracted more than his charm, because he was a sort of lost kid.  I knew he was married but I wanted to know more, if he was happy with his life and she with hers or if they were on the verge of divorce.  Of course, I had the impression that they were breaking up or I never would have gotten in the middle of a happy couple, never, ever, it is not my style.  By the way he behaved with me, I could tell he wasn’t in love with his wife.  They dad no strong bonds besides a child and that did not seem to be holding them together.”
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“He wanted to see me and at the beginning I did not want to because I had never gone out with a married man.  Upon the realization that he was leaving her, we started to see each other a bit.  He said, “I’m going to tell my wife, I want to be with you.  That was the honest thing he did. He told her and two months later we were living together.  That is the first time  that I lived with a man, first time in my life.

I’ve always wanted to have a family but I was afraid of commitment, family but with him it was very natural, I did not think too much.  I was afraid of commitment because I had seen so many... like what happened to us: we were separated, that’s what I did not want to do, you know--it happens.
I was sad because I thought I was going to have a happy and whole family.  I have a beautiful  son but I live here and the father lives there. the son is with me and that’s sad always, very sad.  Though Alessandro is a good father, since we’ve been like this for three years, I’ve never taken any men, I never had any men in my house, even to visit because I do not want that for my child.  If one day I find the right man and I think I’m going to live with him, of course I will have to do it, he will live with me and I with him.  For ALessandro it is easier because he is in his house.  For men it is always easier, they are in their house alone and can live with another girl with no consequences.

Nobody will ever take Alessandro’s role as father.  He comes over every day and night and puts Alex to bed, even when he has three girl friends waiting for him, he does it.  Every time I need him, he is there.  When I go to work or I need him to be in the house, he is there.  When I ask him to stay with Alex, he does 99% of the time unless he has a program to do.  He is a very good father but I know that we could never be together again.  We are very well now, the way we are.  He’s in his house and I have my life.  I think we have a better relationship than when we were together at the end.  It was a disaster.  Today, we have a son that we love but it’s very difficult when he asks me questions like, Mommy, is papa sleeping at home or when he says, papa does not sleep at home.  I have very difficult times that Alessandro doesn’t even know about.  It’s hard when you’re alone and have to explain things.  He doesn’t know what it is to be married and so I can not explain to him what it is to be separated.  When he asks where his father is and I say working, I know I am lying to him and it’s very sad that I have to lie to him but he’s too small to explain things to.

There is no possibility that we could get together again.  I felt, a few years ago, that maybe I should try for my son but it’s impossible.  I love my son but if I’m not happy, he’s not going to be happy.

Everybody knows that he went together with another woman.  He met another woman and fell in love with her or whatever.  The tragic thing is that after a short time, he was fed up with her, tired of her.
For sure the death of  his father has been very important, even now.  ALso, his mother put him in school and 

He’s lively with a lot of energy.  You can love him one minute and the next hate him, it’s amazing.  Not all men are like that, he’s the only one.
I’m sure he has enemies, sure of it, powerful ones.  Maybe he has hurt people unconsciously but consciously never.  He couldn’t kill a flea.  It’s impossible but maybe he hurts people without wanting to hurt them.  I do not know how he does it but he does it.

You have asked me about my view on life and what advice I have for aspiring actresses.  firstly, I always wake up in the morning and say thank you god.  I am a privileged person

aspiring actresses, the only advice is to work hard and to train.  Tell them that it is not easy.  You know, in Spain there are two ways to get famous.

I recommend

If they can afford it, go to New York and train but if they can not, in Spain there are good drama schools.  Take the difficult way but the one that lasts forever.  If you want to become an actress

I had a dream but I was afraid because my family was in another business and it’s nothing to do with show business, not related.

When the dream is there and someone comes and says, the door is here but you are afraid to go through it but they show it to you and you say, should I open the door or not. 

I was never nervous about it.

The best experience before I was 13 is that I always had a lot of imagination.  they used to call me, at home, “
Antonia la Fantastica”.  It’s about a Spanish girl who has lots of energy and a lot of imagination.  I’ve always been a bit like Alice in Wonderland. I had a very happy childhood with my brothers and sisters.  I played a lot until I became sick.  I was more of a tomboy than a girl who played with dolls.

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쯃!ÚΩ[1]When Ana Obregon was thirteen years old, she had a very serious illness in her stomach, a tumor.  Her parents did not want to tell her that she was perhaps terminal but as Ana recalls, “ I heard my parents through the door, they were crying and saying, she’s so ill and nobody knows what is wrong with her”.

Ana continues, “when I thought I was going to die, it made me have a lot of energy, a lot of life, maybe to fight against my illness.  Before I was 13, I was a very different person, different girl.  I was sometimes out of energy, usually sad and now I’m always positive and full of energy.  So, the illness changed my life.  I changed how I was.”

In school she was a leader after 13.  There were boys and girls in the school and since Ana  was always thinking that she was very ugly, she was ashamed of going out with any boys.  She thought that all the girls in her class were pretty. 
Ana was always first in her class, always.  She had a special philosophy.  She thought, “OK, I’m ugly outside but I want to be very nice and beautiful inside.”  She studied a lot and always maintained the best grades.  “Between the ages of 13 to 20 I was always in a a room studying, reading books from Einstein to Nitzche, all the books, I’ve real almost everything I could because of the complex.”

One day when she was eighteen, a woman stopped her and said, “do you want to be a model?” Ana was studying biology in Madrid at the time.  Ana said, thinking of her complex “ forget about it” and laughed.  The lady said, I think you could do something: don’t you want to be a model, an actress?”  She gave Ana her card and Ana kept it in her room. 

Three months later, for no specific reason, other than a burning desire to perform,]"H⁄[1]

The first time she was in a major production, it was a very small role in a movie that Julio Iglesias was producing.  She did a casting, obtained a role and then told her father that she had to go to France for a special genetic conference.  The problems occurred when they took pictures of Ana and Julio together and they were released all over Paris Match, the French Press, Italian and Spanish press.  Her father saw her on the covers and he became furious. 

“Ana, you want to be an actress?”, he asked.  --”Yes father, I want to be an actress!”
-”What you have to do first is study and finish your university, graduate and after that you can do whatever you want.”  That is what happened.

Ana had started young at the University, at 16 years old, and graduated early at 21.  She graduated, second in her class of 2000 students. She went to New York City at 21 years of age and started classes at Leo Strausberg Theatrical Institute.  She continued her classical ballet, that she had started at four years of age, and now took other dance classes, indian dance classes and the full repertroir of drama clases  She stayed there two years and then came back to Spain and started to work.  “From then on , I  think I did not stop.  One movie after another, then TV and like that.”
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“I was in Italy filming a co production, with France, Italy and Spain with Peter Fonda.  It was an interesting movie, science fiction, with the past and future moving in time, back and forth.  Jane came to visit and we went out to dinner.  I think that is when Alessandro and Antonia saw me and Antonia came over and said hello.  That was destiny.

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Later in Spain, they told me, “you’re going to be seated next to this man at a party in the Plazza de Torros, he’s very nice, he’s Count Lequio and he’s with his wife Antonia.”  At the function, he was trying to be nice with me, asking me questions but I did not pay any attention to him.  The second time I saw him, we were in a party at Monolo March’s house.  For me that was really the first time we met, even though we had met before, it was like a first date.”

“My first impressions of him as a person: I thought he was a very nice person, a little boy, a kid: he wasn’t happy with his life.  I could tell this immediately.  He was sincere, too sincere sometimes.  He’s the kind of person that never thinks twice before telling something, he goes straight.  He thinks and shoots.
I thought he was good looking.  I was attracted to, more than his charm, the sensation that he was a, sort of, lost kid.  I knew he was married but I wanted to know more, if he was happy with his life and she with hers or if they were on the verge of divorce, as it seemed.  Of course, I had the impression that they were breaking up. I would never have gotten in the middle of a happy couple, never, ever, it is not my style.  By the way he behaved with me, I could tell he wasn’t in love with his wife.  They had no strong bonds besides a child and that did not seem to be holding them together.”
“He wanted to see me and at the beginning I did not want to because I had never gone out with a married man.  Upon the realization that he was leaving her, we started to see each other a bit.  He said, “I’m going to tell my wife, I want to be with you.  That was the honest thing he did. He told her and two months later we were living together.  That is the first time  that I lived with a man, first time in my life.

I’ve always wanted to have a family but I was afraid of commitment and family but with him it was very natural, I did not think too much.  I was afraid of commitment because I had seen so many... like what happened to us: we were separated, that’s what I did not want to do, you know--it happens.

I was sad because I thought I was going to have a happy and whole family.  I have a beautiful  son but I live here and the father lives there. The son is with me and that’s sad always, very sad to not have his father living in a united family.  Though Alessandro is a good father, since we’ve been like this for three years, I’ve never taken any men, I never had any men in my house, even to visit because I do not want that for my child.  If one day I find the right man and I think I’m going to live with him, of course I will have to do it: he will live with me and I with him. 

For ALessandro it is easier because he is in his house.  For men it is always easier, they are in their house alone and can live with another girl with no consequences.

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Nobody will ever take Alessandro’s role as father.  He comes over every day and night and puts Alex to bed, even when he has three girl friends waiting for him, he does it.  Every time I need him, he is there.  When I go to work or I need him to be in the house, he is there.  When I ask him to stay with Alex, he does 99% of the time unless he has a program to do.  He is a very good father but I know that we could never be together again.

We are very well now, the way we are.  He’s in his house and I have my life.  I think we have a better relationship than when we were together at the end.  It was a disaster.  Today, we have a son that we love but it’s very difficult when he asks me questions like, Mommy, is papa sleeping at home or when he says, papa does not sleep at home.  I have very difficult times that Alessandro doesn’t even know about.  It’s hard when you’re alone and have to explain things.  He doesn’t know what it is to be married and so I can not explain to him what it is to be separated.  When he asks where his father is and I say working, I know I am lying to him and it’s heartbreaking that I fell that I have to lie to him but he’s too small to explain things to.

I trust him but he lies a lot, like a child: white lies all the time.  I do not fear him and he only gets nervous on very few occasions.  It does not bother me to see him in the magazines or on TV.  For him, in a way, he likes the press, he likes to play.  It’s a game for him.  For me it is a nightmare to be in the press ever day, a real nightmare.  so what was a dream to become an actress became a nightmare.  Because in this kind of press, the Paparazzi type gossip, it’s horrible for me and my son.  I can’t go out of my house with my son and walk like a normal mother and son.  We have Paparazzi following us everywhere.  For my son it is not a normal life.  That is not the kind of life I want to give him.  It bothers me a lot, him growing up like that.

The only good thing about being famous, as many people said, “that you get placed in a restaurant.”  That’s the only good thing about being famous in Spain, the rest is really bad.

It’s different here because in Spain there are maybe  thirty famous people and 3,000 Paparazzi.  In the states, there are 50,000 famous people and only thousands of press.  The relationship is not the same.

I do not think the press bothers Alessandro too much.  I think what bothers him is the image that people have about him is nothing what he is really like in reality.  They think he’s going out with famous people to make money and the truth is that he could care less about money.  When people figure that out they will understand him better.  Even if a person did one thing once for money, this could be against their principles and general ethics.  It’s tough for the public to see him as he is when he sells things to the press. 
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What they do not know is the times he has turned down $300,000 to go on a show or the many other times he has turned down large sums of money. People do not know the real Alessandro.  Do they think I would have a son with a person who moves for money?    He’s the type of guy that when he was low on cash, would not mind and buy me a present with all the money remaining in his pocket.  So, I do not think this image of his character is at all fair.

Alessandro is playing a very dangerous game because he does not know the end.  Sometimes he makes moeny with the press.  He does things in the press for money but he knows that someone else is also making money with him.  He doesn’t feel that it is not on both sides.  If he sells photo’s or an interview, he knows that the magazine, agencies, photographers are making money with him.  In his mind, he thinks it’s fair.  I give you this and you give me that, quid pro quo.  You give me money but you’re making money on me.

He creates storms and earthquakes and when the earthquake is made, he says, O god, what am I doing?  Is all this happening because I did that thing?  I’m talking about the thing with the famous girl and the wealthy businessman.
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I’m sure he has enemies, sure of it, powerful ones.  Maybe he has hurt people unconsciously but consciously never.  He couldn’t kill a flea. Maybe he hurts people without wanting to hurt them.  I do not know how he does it but he does it.

You have asked me about my view on life and what advice I have for aspiring actresses.  Firstly, I always wake up in the morning and say thank you god.  I am a privileged person because I can work in what I want.  I make money working with what I like.  I always try to help others in the way that I am able to help them.
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The advice I have for aspiring actresses, the only advice is to work hard and to train.  Tell them that it is not easy.  You know, in Spain there are two ways to get famous.  One way is working and the other is working with famous people, going out with them or things like that.  There are always two ways to get famous.  One is the difficult one, the way I took: graduation, going to drama school, training and work, work, work, fight and fight.  In Spain, with all the press, there is another way, the easy way but you stay there a year and after that, everyone forgets about you.  It’s very easy and fast but it lasts for nothing and means nothing. 
I recommend the difficult path because then you stay there until you are 70 years old, working.  Forget about going with famous people.

If they can afford it, go to New York and train but if they can not, in Spain there are good drama schools.  Take the difficult way but the one that lasts forever.  If you want to become an actress and that’s your dream, you always have to fight for your dreams.  When you want something so much, you know it.  My dream was strong and here I am.

I had a dream but I was afraid because my family was in another business and it’s nothing to do with show business, not related.

When the dream is there and someone comes and says, the door is here but you are afraid to go through it but they show it to you and you say, should I open the door or not?  The choice is yours. 

I was never nervous about it.  I’ve always been good with people, even a t school, each time I did something I strove and worked hard to be the best.  When I was in front of the camera at 17 years old, I fell in love with the camera and it gave me more energy.

The best experience before I was 13 is that I always had a lot of imagination.  they used to call me, at home, “Antonia la Fantastica”.  It’s about a Spanish girl who has lots of imagination.  I’ve always been a bit like Alice in Wonderland. I had a very happy childhood with my brothers and sisters.  I played a lot until I became sick.  I was more of a tomboy than a girl who played with dolls.

Jennie Goldman, of Rumania, Calgary, Alberta Canada, Chicago. BTW, she changed the spelling to a G, for obvious reasons, (considering the time).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My elementary school principal @ West Lab, Patricia Frost. We love you Mrs. Frost.

What I know about women and love. A net book by Jonathan H. Rosen

What I know about women and love. By Jonathan H. Rosen  30 pages

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