Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CAn't believe I named this thing love at Starbucks - how lame

Anyway more on love. Sitting at Starbucks at Merridian and Lincoln.  Only here as Ted called me and wanted me to meet with Ralph, the TV/movie guy.  Ralf is doing a 3D animated movie and has me watching Polar Express and other movies so I can write for him.   He likes my creative style but thinks he is doing me a big favor and told me I hat one shot only. I messed that up and he was even yelling about one misspelled word in my work. I barked at him, that is why Hollywood movies are no good anymore as you guys are worried about misspelled words, hire a geek for that....

Anyway I have done almost 0 work for Ralf since he has been in NYC and now he's showing up to Starbucks. He says if I piss him off he will make a character with my name who does stupid shit on the screen but I do not care about that.

So Ted was driving me, Ted Miller    http://tedmillermusic.com/ and he was singing in the car the most awesome love song that I think he has ever done and it is up up upbeat.   he was singing it to a great soundtrack that they made last night.  Wait until you hear it!


  1. I'm listening to Ted sing from his site now and he's coming up and talking to me and I'm like, leave me alone, "let me hear t he guys ing man!"

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  4. this guy who is like 350 pounds just took a picture of me cause he thought it was funny that I brought my big computer out here to Sratbucks. Sold the $5,000 laptop with $5,000 in software for like a $1,000 to some guy from a church years ago. I told him, you think this is funny, I can come here with the first Mac ever created and you can take a picture of that.
