Monday, April 11, 2011

Love was not in the air around here today but perhaps even more interesting things were going on

The question here is do I have the time to relay all of it and the answer is no. So check back later.


  1. Max Brenner comes to New york and will, in all likelihood, be better than both together, fighting or not.

  2. on third thought, there was "love talk" today here. The love of chocolate is what many of us guys have to turn to in the USA. No wonder the industry is booming. Why this is so is anyones guess. Take a crack at the answer.

  3. here at Starbucks Talk, as far as I am concerned, if you do not know a misspelled word or erroneous word, faulty parallelism or intentional error as well as other possibilities, then you are not from New York and consult with a dictionary. I will not waist time correcting fast type, invoking the old economic theory of "opportunity cost" at the expense of great verbiage and events.

  4. First Starbucks love talk I heard is between two guys that are straight (not that it would matter). The scene are two employess, one that has not worked here in a long time. The other sees him and shakes his hand with a big smile and a side hug and says to him, "what's going on, it aint been a minute."
